
Toolcano is a one of a kind tool aggregator which provides all the tools under one roof. It is a mar-tech stack which lists almost every tool which falls under the marketing and tech umbrella, to make sure you don’t have to spend time researching for the most appropriate tool for your campaign.

What is Toolcano?

Toolcano is a multi-purpose martech tool stack, which offers the most used and popular tools used in the digital marketing realm. Toolcano covers multi purpose tools ranging from simple AI based text to image and video generators to multi-utility SEO and PPC tools. In all, it covers tools spread across 19+ categories which are intended to make your digital marketing journey easier.

What makes Toolcano the preferred choice?

Toolcano is being used by marketers and non-marketers alike. One of the main reasons for its popularity is that it provides a one stop solution for all the tool requirements. You can think of it as the ‘Amazon’ of the digital tool world.

How will it help marketers?
Toolcano and its various tools are helping marketers and non-marketers alike by providing them with various tools, which are used for the campaigns. Toolcano helps marketers by providing them with a list of most useful and relevant tools, and in-turn saving their time by doing the research for them. Marketers do not have to spend their precious time researching for the most useful and relevant tools for their specific purpose.

Which categories are the most popular on Toolcano?

The most popular tool categories on Toolcano are also the categories which have the most tools.

1. PPC tools

PPC or pay-per-click is one of the most popular tool categories for marketers, because of its vast options. PPC tools range from a basic ad generator to a multi purpose tool which can handle your entire campaign. PPC tools are used by marketers mostly to handle their campaigns and allot revenue to the best use possible. If these tools are not used, it might become very difficult to track the conversion and ROI over time. Therefore, to decrease their load, PPC tools must be used by performance marketers, depending on their campaign budget.

2. SEO

SEO is probably the most sought after category of digital marketing. It makes the number of available tools in the market for SEO the highest. The list of available SEO tools is huge. These tools range from DA checker, Backlink Checker, Keyword Research, among many others. These tools are designed to help you in your SEO journey and with the right efforts, improve your website ranking, thereby increasing the revenue generated by your website. Many SEO tools nowadays are multi-purpose tools which lets you perform multiple SEO tasks using one tool only, thereby increasing productivity and decreasing the money spent.

3. Social Media Tools

Social media has become one of the most important sources of increasing revenue for any business. It has also become another avenue from where more contact opportunities can be sourced and more business opportunities can arise. So people and businesses have started to create an online presence on social media platforms as well. This helps them get a better understanding of the trends and also get in touch with their prospective customers easily. To manage this social media presence, companies and businesses employ social media tools which are used to manage the PR campaigns, daily postings, revenue and returns of ads on the platform and other important aspects of social media marketing. Toolcano reduces the amount of input in terms of researching the best social media marketing tools.

4. Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing has been used since the beginning of digital marketing. It is considered one of the best methods to contact new customers, to deliver information to old customers about upcoming offers, and to increase the community size. Cold emails are considered the hardest to design, if you do not have any ideas how to communicate your ideas to new people. But with the inclusion of AI in email marketing tools, it has become one of the easiest tasks to perform in email marketing. New tools help you design the email, find out new contacts, and even write the content for your emails. You just need the perfect email marketing tools. This is where Toolcano steps in. By providing a vast list of email marketing tools, it helps you at each step of your email marketing campaign, and helps you increase the community size, website visits and overall revenue among other things.

5. AI based tools

Recently, AI has taken the tech world by a storm. This massive interception of AI in the tech world has also created a huge impact on the marketing industry too, among other industries.
These AI based tools have increased efficiency and reduced the workload for many marketers, by providing solutions which help them in their marketing journey. These tools are also very helpful for non-marketers and students. These AI tools range from simple text to image and video generators to complex website and code generators. You don’t need any coding experience to develop a website, AI is there to help you build a website for your business. Some AI tools will help you generate presentations based on your text prompts. Others will help you to edit and gather valuable information from huge documents and compress this information into conceivable form.


Toolcano makes its purpose to make your digital marketing smoother by providing all the best and upcoming tools for your business and marketing campaigns. The team behind Toolcano works very hard in researching and curating the tools which are definitely going to take your marketing campaigns on the next level.

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