1776 Faux Farmhouse is a creative platform that showcases the DIY home projects of Nicole and Michael Francis. When they started investing their time and resources in upscaling their house’s value by taking on smaller-scale projects, they didn’t know that  it would become a fully grown business with thousands of followers and collaborations with multiple growing brands and companies. 

1776 Faux Farmhouse isn’t just a business for Nicole; in fact, she thoroughly enjoys the whole process of building something on her own, making her living space more meaningful. She also encourages other people to try DIY projects, which would allow others to make their homes into what they want it to be. 

Nicole understands that it can be overwhelming initially, but gradually you get more confident with the whole process. Anyone can start their own DIY adventure today with the following helpful tips.

The first step is to simply get started

Nicole states that sometimes we only need to take a leap of faith and dive in. Don’t be afraid of failure; it is part of the learning process. 

Start with a small project

Try to do a little at a time, or you’ll feel overwhelmed and discouraged. Instead, break your project down into smaller tasks that are manageable on their own. Nicole advises focusing on one thing at a time and ensuring taking care of each step before moving on to the next one—this will prevent burnout and keep your motivation up.

Use the right tools and materials for your project

The right tools and materials are important; Nicole says that she can’t stress this enough. While it may not turn out as the most glamorous of DIY projects, it doesn’t mean it has no value or that you can’t get it done. 

Don’t forget to enjoy

Keep your eye on the prize, but remember to enjoy yourself. For Nicole, it is not just about running a business or upgrading her house; it is more about the fact that she loves DIY projects and enjoys every step of a project. 

Don’t let fear hold you back

You can do it! That’s the most important thing Nicole wants to say about DIY projects; we all have that little voice in our heads that says, “I don’t know if I can do this,” or “I don’t have the tools for this kind of a project.” But if you think about it logically, there’s no reason anyone should be intimidated by this idea—it’s just another way of getting creative with your home, making it look better than ever before.

Follow 1776 Faux Farmhouse on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Youtube, and Facebook for some unique DIY ideas.

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