Assam teas have been popular throughout history in India. However, it’s not just Assam tea that makes up the entire tea supply in the country. Siliguri tea (colloquially) too contributes to almost half of the tea supply share through Dooars tea and the world-renowned Darjeeling tea.

In fact, teas from the Siliguri region are now rising in popularity in India as they have a more natural and fresh taste. The overall robust flavour of Siliguri teas make them a favourite of chai lovers in the country.

The Rising Popularity of Siliguri Tea

The popularity of Siliguri tea has been on the rise for a couple of years now. This is because Siliguri tea varieties have a slightly different taste and aroma than Assam tea varieties. Both Siliguri teas and Assam teas have a strong flavour, they vary a bit in terms of the fruity notes and aroma which are also characterised by their freshness.

The difference in their fruity flavour profile comes from the terrain that the tea gardens of the respective regions have. Compared to Assam, Siliguri tea gardens have a mix of hilly and lowland terrain which gives them a unique flavour and aroma.

Some of the most popular types of Siliguri teas, such as Dooars tea, are available in all standard categories (grades), including:

  • OF
  • BP
  • BOP
  • PD
  • Dust
  • Orthodox
  • Green leaves
  • Green tea

Tea Companies in Siliguri Offering the Best of Dooars Tea

Another major reason for the consistently rising popularity of Siliguri tea varieties such as Dooars tea is the high level of quality that tea companies in Siliguri are offering. Tea brands such as Naturolled Tea have been sourcing tea directly from the local tea gardens with minimal processing and masterfully blending them to ensure a perfect balance of robust taste and invigorating aroma.

Naturolled Tea products have a natural flavour and refreshing aroma that testify the high level of freshness and minimal processing that Dooars tea varieties have. Dooars tea gardens have high yield during the tea plucking seasons, including first, second, third, and fourth flush. And Siliguri tea companies help maintain the supply for the ever increasing demand for tea in the Indian and international markets.

In What Regions Are Siliguri Tea Varities Planted?

Siliguri is a major commerce hub and is surrounded by the Dooars-Terai region in the east and the Darjeeling hill region in the north. As it is evident, both of these regions are the most important tea growing regions in India. Darjeeling tea caters to the high-end premium tea market while Dooars tea caters to the mainstream (entry-level and mid-level) tea market.

These two Siliguri tea varieties are available in the reguated market segment (brand packaged tea) as well as the unregulated tea market (loose tea) in all the major tea commerce hubs in India, including West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and more.

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