Social media is continuing to grow into an ever-increasing influence on modern society as billions of people sign up for accounts (there are more than a billion on Instagram alone and it’s not even the biggest one) and do so in a bid to have their messages seen by the wider world.
There is an understandable attraction to this idea and quite a number of people are getting in on the act. A positive aspect of social media is its ability to bring people closer together, in spite of the distances that separate them.
This is an important form of communication and one which sees people build friendships with people they physically have never met. In order to meet more people, however, you need to have a profile with a big reputation and this comes through interaction with other users.
How paid-for features can help
One way that you can definitely increase your interaction on social media is by paying for features such as views, likes, comments and followers. These features are then added to your account by real users of the social media platform you prefer.
Once the paid-for features start rolling in, you can see how your investment pays off as the rate of engagement increases immediately and you are likely to attract even more attention. This is because the more interaction you have, even if its paid for, the more visible your account becomes and the more likely you are to get users visiting you when they don’t know who you are.
Communication is key
We mentioned above that communication online with people you’d never meet in real life is an important aspect of social media. Because of this, there is one method that is sure to garner a lot of success in social networks, that which allows you to get comments on Instagram by paying for them. These work in the same way as other features that you may pay for: you place an order and pay the money then you direct the users involved to leave the comments wherever you feel is appropriate.
Once this starts happening, you can revel in the new found popularity that the added inteaction is sure to generate for your profile. But don’t just sit there and expect for the comments to be added successfully. You can also prepare strategies for just how you want the comments to be added to your content. It is also important to make sure you are getting the most out of comments so that you can get even more traffic from them.
Tagging people in comments
A simple but effective way for using comments is to include the user name of someone else. This is as simple as writing a response to the topic at hand and including the name of the user in it in order to get them interested along with a brief explanation.
Comments can also tag people and you can use them to aim questions at people who you think might be interested. There is also a basic level of tagging people in comments which is just leaving the name of the person and waiting for them to discover it for themselves. Tagging users in comments is useful because it leads to more exposure for the content being posted. It also means that new people can get involved with your account and its content and who knows: they may go on and take the same approach and share your content with people they know.
Using comments for customer service
Comments are an effective way to communicate with customers or users who are interested in what your account provides. If you are using social media to promote a business or a cause then comments can double up as a customer service department and can be used to address any area which customers are concerned about.
This is especially helpful as it gives the people running the page a chance to interact with regular users in a more relaxed environment. Ringing up call centers or customer helplines can be stressful and very direct but talking it out in comments sections gives both sides more time to think about what to say and you will find yourself being able to express your issues in a calmer setting.
How to encourage more engagement through comments
Of course, the good thing about comments is that, unlike likes and views, comments in turn generate more interaction. By leaving a comment, you are putting your ideas out there into the world. As always, there will be people who have their own opinions about your ideas and may feel the need to respond, whether positively or negatively.
This, in turn, stimulates conversation and what may have been an innocuous comment or two can turn into a sprawling conversation which catches the attention of numerous different users.
Between all the views, likes and additional comments, you will see the interaction statistics increase dramatically, all off the back of one set of comments. By carefully preparing the comment you want to be posted, you can be sure that it may kick off an interesting discussion. Because of the potential interaction that can be got from comments, you don’t have to use all of them at once as one can be enough to get the conversation flowing for one post.
This makes comments an even more useful feature to use if done so correctly as you won’t need to buy as many as regularly when you are trying to stimulate engagement with your profile.