Keeping the Vagina Healthy and Happy During Hot Summer Months

Don’t let the heat ruin your hot girl summer! 

Stay cool, fresh and healthy “down there” to avoid the increased chance of yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis during beach season.The triple threat of heat, humidity and the sun can create a warm damp environment that bad bacteria thrives in. Approximately ⅓ of all vaginal infections are yeast infections and the summer is the time when women are most prone to being affected.  

Keep vaginal infections at bay with a few simple tips to keep you and your V in tip top shape

  • Take your probiotics! Your vagina needs good bacteria to protect you from pathogens. Your vagina is always going to come into contact with bad bacteria (poop, sweat, sex). Good bacteria sticks to the vaginal walls and produces lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide and will be your defense mechanism against intruders. Supplement your body with good bacteria.
  • Make sure your V is completely dry after the shower, bathing or swimming. Yeast loves moisture so make sure you dry your girl well.
  • Stop using boric acid! It’s extremely drying to your vaginal tissue as it thins the walls of the vagina over time and you will be more susceptible to bacteria and infection invasion. 
  • Take the time to do pelvic floor therapy. Recurring and chronic UTIs cause your pelvic floor to tighten all the time and chronic tightening of the pelvic floor over time weakens your pelvic floor and can cause urinary tract issues.
  • Just use soap! Unscented plain baby soap. Chemical, fragrance, antibacterial and other product additives can cause irritations that may lead to infection. Keep it clean and simple ladies.
  •  If you do not have a bidet (highly recommended), use plain baby wipes to keep your bum tract clean. Do not use wipes on your vaginal area.
  • Be mindful of lubricants and spermicides, especially in the summertime as they can lower estrogen that can lead to yeast infections and vaginosis
  • Put your V first – not for a man, not for a relationship but for your health! Take good care of her and she will take good care of you!
  • Stay hydrated! One of the top causes of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) is dehydration. Without proper daily fluid intake, bacteria that you would normally get rid of when you use the bathroom ends up staying in your urinary tract, multiplying and causing a nasty infection. Keeping hydrated is vital for all of our body’s organs to function properly. 

The Center for Disease Control & Prevention advises that nearly 75% of all women experience yeast infections and almost half those cases become chronic. Vaginal itching, burning, soreness, stress and fatigue are just a few of the troublesome underlying symptoms. 

Don’t let vaginal infections get in the way of your summer vibe  Follow these simple steps and incorporate taking a healthy vaginal probiotic into your daily routine to keep all of your lady bits and overall health in peak performance condition.  


With Meraki Co. is a pioneering women’s health and wellness company dedicated to advancing female reproductive awareness and vaginal health solutions through innovative supplements and educational resources. Founded by biomedical engineer and first-generation Syrian-American, Giana Jarrah, With Meraki Co. leverages scientific research and biomedical engineering expertise to create high-quality, evidence-based products tailored to address common vaginal health concerns. The company’s underlying mission is to transform traditional societal and medical views of the female reproductive system and destigmatize sexual health issues. For more info visit With Meraki Co.

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