Video marketing is a highly successful technique for businesses of all sizes to advertise and promote themselves and their products or services. Small businesses may not have the same type of resources that larger or more established firms may have, but they can still use it to similar levels of success when they get it right.

Indeed, there are several methods and techniques that need to be adopted and implemented when engaging in video marketing if it is to be effective. You cannot simply make a video, upload it, and hope that it does what is desired or intended.

Why should you use video marketing?

As a small business, it’s all about making sure you capture as much attention and convert as many people into paying customers when using video marketing.

It has been found that 54% of consumers want to see videos rather than be required to read texts. At the same time, it’s been determined that people are 1.6x more likely to make a purchase if they see a video. Furthermore, a landing page that features a video will usually increase conversions by up to 80%. These figures should underline just how important video marketing is and why small businesses need to be engaging in this type of promotion as a strategy.

Videos can be varied and don’t always have to fit a theme, as there are several different topics that can be followed. You can use the video to sell the product or service being offered, you could make it educational, or you could turn them into other promotional tools, such as including it in an email or placing it on a landing page.

What should you include in a video?

When it comes to creating your video marketing campaign, you should be considering all of the vast aspects that need to be covered. If you don’t, the desired results will likely not happen, which can make it a potentially costly venture for a small business.

Consider your target audience

As with all promotional techniques, you need to consider your target audience. Place yourself in the shoes of the consumer and think about what you want to see and what would convince you to make a purchase. You’ll have a greater chance of success if you can do this.

Using techniques that can make the video more engaging and interactive

While it has been proven that videos are among the preferred formats which people like to view, they still need to be engaging and interactive. You can do this by using bright visuals, sharp animations, or even subtitles. Using templates like the Premiere Pro subtitles, you’ll instantly make your video more accessible, as everyone will be able to gain an understanding of what is being said, while they can be useful as a translation tool.

Keeping it short and sweet (KISS)

The KISS rule is a golden tip for creating an effective video marketing campaign for a small business. Most people don’t mind watching a video for one minute, but if it is any longer, the greater the chance it won’t be watched to the end. Creators should keep the film short and sweet, placing the product at the very beginning. In doing so, people will still know what’s being advertised, even if they don’t get to the end.

Providing visual examples and representation

Everybody wants to see what they are getting when they part with their money, and this can often mean seeing a product or service in action doing its thing. By adopting this feature, you’re giving your potential consumers something they can believe in, forming a level of trust about what they are getting. Once this trust has been formed, it can be much easier to convince them to make the purchase.

Video marketing can be effective for small businesses

As highlighted, video marketing can be extremely effective for businesses of all sizes, especially those that are of a smaller size due to the restraints they may have on resources.

However, in order for the campaign to be effective, certain key points need to be considered and met if there is to be a degree of success. With so many businesses all adopting this approach, the company will need to make sure they create something that truly wows their audience.



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