Pink Princess Philodendrons

The plant needs ultimate care to thrive at its best. Lacking basic needs such as lighting and water can cause root rot, the fading color of plants.

The avoidance can further lead to fungal disease that can push your plant towards death.

In this article, you will learn everything regarding the watering and lighting care of your pink princess philodendron.

The Basics of Pink Princess Philodendron Care

The pink princess philodendron is a beautiful and rare household plant. The plant is easy to take and low maintenance but still needs your care and attention. Let’s dive into the basic care overview of your plant.

Quick Overview of Plant Needs

Here are the things you need to keep in consideration while caring for your plant:


The plants need bright indirect sunlight. Too much light can cause burn leave and low light can reduce your plant vibrancy.


This plant enjoys high humid conditions but does well in normal household humid levels. You can place a humidifier near the plant to provide extra humidity.


The preferred temperature for the best growth of the plant is 65 °F to 75 °F. Avoid placing plants in warmer places.  


Water the plant when the soil is almost dry. Keeping the soil moist instead of soggy can cause waterlogging.


The plant needs soil rich with nutrients and well drained that can also hold enough moisture for the plant.


Use the well-balanced liquid fertilizer every once a month. The best time is spring and summer. Avoid using fertilizer in winter and fall.

 Mastering Lighting for Your Pink Princess

Here are the lighting guidelines for your pink princess philodendron:

Understanding Light Requirements

The plant enjoys several hours of bright indirect sunlight. This plant can tolerate direct sunlight too but too much exposure to light can cause plants to burn or the leaves of the plant can start to turn yellow or brown. The plant can survive in low light but prolonged periods can reduce the vibrance and variegation of the plant.

Practical Lighting Tips

Place your plant 3 to 4 meters from the window where the bright indirect sunlight is available. Change the position of the plant as per the seasons. In summer the air conditions work more where the plant where the temperature is as per the need of the plant likewise in winter the heating system can change the home temperature and place the plant where the temperature is according to the plant. If your home does not have the right light spot for your plant you can use artificial plant lights.

Watering Your Pink Princess Properly

The pink princess philodendron needs watering every once a week. Let the 1 inch of soil dry before watering the plant. You can check the soil with your fingers. The plant needs more water in spring and summer however, the plant growth slows down in winter and fall, and the plant needs water once every 2 weeks.

Avoid overwatering your plant; it can cause root rot. The roots of the plant stay in water for too long leading to fungal infection. Ensure that excess water escapes through drainage holes. If the soil is too dry and leaves are starting to turn yellow that can be a sign of underwatering. Make your watering schedule as per the needs of the plant.  

The Impact of Humidity and Temperature

Here are the guidelines regarding humidity and temperature for your pink princess philodendron:

Optimizing Humidity for Health

These plants do well in normal household humidity levels but they do enjoy more humid conditions. Maintain the humid condition as per the season. If the soil is too dry and plants start to turn yellow the reason can be low humidity levels. To increase the humidity around your plant you can use a humidifier or place the plant in a more humid room. You can place a pebble tray filled with water and keep it near the plant to increase the humidity.

Temperature Considerations

The ideal temperature for the plant is 65 °F to 75 °F. Keep the plant away from cold areas in winter and in summer place the plant where the temperature is good for the growth of philodendron.

Seasonal Care Adjustments

Caring for a Pink Princess Philodendron requires seasonal adjustments to address the changing environmental conditions of summer and winter. During summer, increased temperatures cause faster soil drying, and require more frequent watering. It’s advisable to water these plants early in the morning to ensure they are hydrated enough to endure the day’s heat. Shield the plant from direct sunlight with sheer curtains or blinds to prevent leaf scorch while still providing bright, indirect light. Additionally, maintaining high humidity is essential, as summer can dry out the air; using a humidifier or regularly misting the plant will help keep the variegation vibrant.

In winter, the care strategy shifts as the plant’s growth slows due to reduced light and lower temperatures. Water less frequently, allowing the soil to dry out more between waterings, and use lukewarm water to avoid root shock. Maximizing light exposure is crucial, so consider relocating your plant to a south-facing window or supplementing it with a grow light. Heating systems can drastically reduce indoor humidity, so it’s important to increase moisture around the plant with a humidifier or a water tray. Keeping the plant away from heat sources like radiators prevents the leaves from drying. Regular leaf inspections for pests will keep your plant healthy throughout the colder months.


The pink philodendron plant is beautiful because of the wide heart-shaped leaves that have pink variegation. The plant is easy to care for but needs care and attention for survival. For the best growth, maintaining ideal environmental conditions is important. Too much or less light can damage the plant. Make the watering schedule as per the need of your plant. Use fertilizer for the boost in growth. Look out for the plant as temperature and humidity changes occur during the season.

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