The Microsoft Azure AZ-104 exam, designed for aspiring Azure administrators, tests your ability to manage cloud services including storage, security, and networking within Azure. With the growing demand for cloud professionals, passing this exam is a major step toward advancing your career. To help you succeed, we’ve compiled the top 10 study tips to ensure you’re fully prepared.

1. Understand the Exam Objectives

The first step in your AZ-104 journey is familiarizing yourself with the exam objectives. Microsoft provides a detailed breakdown of the skills measured, including areas like managing Azure identities and governance, implementing virtual networks, and managing Azure resources. By knowing the exact areas to focus on, you can better structure your study plan.

2. Set Up a Study Schedule

Consistency is key. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for your AZ-104 studies. Break down the exam topics into smaller sections and cover them methodically. Using tools like calendars or study apps can help you track your progress and stay committed to your schedule.

3. Use Microsoft Learn and Official Documentation

Microsoft Learn is an invaluable resource that offers free modules and learning paths tailored for the AZ-104 exam. Official Azure documentation is also a must-use resource. These materials provide deep insights into how Azure services work, which will help you gain a better understanding of core concepts.

4. Join Study Groups and Forums

Engage with the Azure community through study groups and forums like Reddit, LinkedIn, or specialized Azure-focused groups. Interacting with others preparing for the same exam can give you fresh perspectives, answers to your questions, and encouragement along the way.

5. Get Hands-On Experience with Azure

Practical experience is crucial for the AZ-104 exam. Microsoft provides a free Azure account with $200 in credits, allowing you to experiment with services like virtual machines, storage, and networking. Hands-on experience will solidify your understanding and make it easier to answer scenario-based questions.

6. Practice with Sample Questions

Before the actual exam, it’s essential to test your knowledge. Use sample questions and practice tests to simulate the exam experience. This will not only help you assess your readiness but also familiarize you with the exam format and types of questions you may encounter.

7. Focus on Key Azure Services

The AZ-104 exam emphasizes specific Azure services such as Azure Active Directory, virtual networks, storage accounts, and virtual machines. Spend extra time mastering these areas since they are heavily tested.

8. Review Case Studies and Real-World Scenarios

The AZ-104 exam includes scenario-based questions that require you to apply your knowledge in practical contexts. Reviewing case studies can help you understand how Azure is implemented in real-world situations, making it easier to answer these types of questions.

9. Utilize Video Tutorials and Online Courses

There are many Azure-focused online courses and video tutorials that can aid your preparation. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube offer comprehensive courses specifically designed for the AZ-104 exam. These can complement your learning by providing visual explanations of complex concepts.

10. Stay Calm and Confident on Exam Day

Lastly, be confident in your preparation on the day of the exam. Get a good night’s sleep and make sure you’re well-rested. Arrive early, take a deep breath, and approach each question with a clear mind. Remember that you’ve put in the effort and preparation to succeed.


With the right resources and a well-structured study plan, passing the Microsoft Azure AZ-104 exam is entirely achievable. The key lies in a mix of hands-on experience, comprehensive study materials, and consistent practice. Clearcatnet provides access to high-quality exam practice questions, helping you to refine your skills and boost your confidence ahead of the exam. Leverage their resources to ensure you’re fully prepared and ready to pass with flying colors!

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