If you’ve been a victim of a dog bite and you have serious injuries, then you may be qualified for compensation. A dog bite attorney can help you build a case against the liable party, which is generally the owner of the animal, so it’s best to hire a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer: What Are the First Steps to Filing a Lawsuit After a Dog Bite?

The first step to filing a personal injury lawsuit for a dog bite is to gather as much evidence as possible so you can consult an attorney about your claim. Evidence for your case can include surveillance footage, social media posts, witness statements, and your medical records after the attack. An attorney at Folkman Law will be able to give you a case evaluation to see if your injuries qualify for compensation.
After a liable party is assigned, your lawyer will be able to move forward with your claim. Your case may be settled outside of court, or it may proceed to trial.
photo of long-coated brown dog barking

PA Laws

In Pennsylvania, the state law holds the dog owner liable if their dog severely injures or attacks another person. If the dog has previously attacked another person and is considered dangerous, the dog owner is liable for the attack.

AZ Laws

In Arizona, the dog owner is considered liable for the injuries and damages caused by the dog bite, whether the attack occurred on private or public property. Unlike in some other states, the viciousness or dangerous status of the dog is irrelevant in liability claims. The owner is still considered liable, even if the owner was unaware of the viciousness of the animal.

NJ Laws

New Jersey is considered a strict liability state for dog bites. The New Jersey statute states that the dog owner is responsible for dog bite injuries, even if the owner made an effort to restrain the animal, warn potential victims, or protect the dog bite victim.

What Type of Compensation Can Your Dog Bite Attorney Get You?

The main compensation you can expect from a dog bite lawsuit is related to your medical bills. The dog owner should compensate you for the medical treatment you received immediately after the bite, reconstructive surgery, and ongoing medical costs. Lost wages may be awarded if you had to miss work to recover from the dog bite. Some victims may be able to sue for pain, suffering, and emotional distress compensation.
A dog bite can cause serious injuries. Your state has specific laws related to dog bite liability that may affect your claim and the compensation you can receive from the dog’s owner. Since these cases can be tricky to resolve, an expert lawyer’s help is vital.

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