Do you ever wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and wish you had better hair, hair that is shiny and healthy?  Perhaps you have thought of getting that perfect-looking voluminous curls or straight silky hair you see on Instagram.  Fortunately, it’s not the end of the world, and you can still get fabulous hair even if you’re not young anymore.  Here’s why every day is the perfect time to embark on your hair care journey: 

The Power of Consistency

As much as people like to believe that their hair is healthy and beautiful, it takes time and effort to nurture it.  The most important thing is to stick to a schedule and make it as basic as possible – this is how one should build a long-term hair care program.  These are some of the basic tips that can help you achieve better results when caring for your hair: gentle washing, conditioning, and appropriate styling. It is not the amount but consistency that matters; the earlier you start, the earlier you will start observing changes.

Taking care of hair

Damage to hair can occur through the use of appliances such as curling irons, chemicals and even through the effects of sunlight.  The best approach to hair care is to begin a regimen before damage takes place so it can be avoided.  If you know how to take care of your hair type, then you will be well-equipped to avoid most of the common problems that can come with hair damage, such as breakage, split ends, and dull hair.

Enjoy the Journey

Hair care is not a process that is aimed at getting to a particular goal; it is a process of enjoying and respecting your hair. On this journey, you will begin to discover what your hair likes and dislikes and what works best for it. It is a way of ensuring that you make the right decisions when it comes to the products to use, the style to adopt, or the treatment to undergo to improve your hair health in future.

Hair Care is Self-Care

Caring for your hair is one form of self-care which is not limited to getting beautiful hair.  Little things such as putting a hair mask on, getting a scalp massage, or even just styling your hair in a way that you like can be very therapeutic.  This specific self-care activity helps you to set aside at least a few minutes in your day, which you can devote to the care of your body and mind.

Boosting Confidence

Moreover, taking care of your hair is also taking care of your body and improving your morale and confidence.  Confidence is essential in life and when one is confident, they are likely to perform better in all aspects of their lives.  If you look good, you tend to feel good about yourself, which translates to confidence and energy in all that you do.  Assuming control over the hair care process is a form of self-care that also sends a positive signal to both the self and others.

Start Simple, But Start Strong

It’s not necessary to have a long procedure of washing and conditioning, which involves several steps to have healthy hair.  Begin by including  a few key elements that will form the foundation of your hair care journey 

Gentle Cleansing: Use a shampoo suited to your hair type and wash your hair gently. Do not use strong sulfates that can also remove the natural oils of the hair. It is recommended to start using a scalp scrub once a week in order to cleanse the scalp and keep it healthy.

Conditioning Love: Conditioning is very important, so you should never skip it! Conditioning is critical to adding moisture and reducing the possibility of breakage. Select a conditioner that addresses your hair issues – dryness, frizzy hair, or flat hair. Rinse and towel dry your hair Apply conditioner on your hair starting from the mid-shaft and the ends of your hair and not on the roots as this will lead to oily hair.

Mindful Styling: Minimize the use of heat styling tools whenever you can. Air drying is the most natural way of drying your hair and is the best for your hair. If you’re going to use heat tools, always ensure that you apply heat protectant spray to help protect your hair from heat. There are many types of heat protectant sprays available in the market, so it is advisable to select one that provides UV protection to shield your hair from the sun. As much as possible, select the lowest heat settings when styling your hair with such tools and never use them on wet hair.

Nourishing Treatments: Once a week, pamper your hair with a deep conditioning mask or hair oil to give it the additional moisture and nutrients it requires. These are more penetrating than the regular conditioners and they are able to reach the hair shaft to add moisture. Hair oils are a hair product that can be used for multiple uses, including taming frizz, imparting sheen and even encouraging hair growth. Try out various kinds of hair oils like argan oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil depending on the hair texture and your choice.

So, one may ask, when is the right time to start taking care of your hair?  As the old saying goes, ‘The best time is always now!’  When you decide to take full control of your hair, you are on the path to attaining healthy hair that is strong and beautiful to give you that confidence and glow. 

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