Montecristo Cuban Cigars

It’s been quite a start for 2017 for the Cuban cigar industry, thanks to landmark action by the Executive Branch that’s finally removed the limit on importation of Cuban Cigars for personal use. But there’s another reason – Cuban cigars continue to be by far the best in the world, with Habanos SA continuing to roll out great stick after great stick. Some were better than others (Montecristo), however, and I am here to help you whittle down what is a terrific portfolio of Cuban cigars this year into a manageable list. Hopefully, this list will help you decide what’s worth bringing back from Cuba (and more importantly, what’s a good value as well).

1. Montecristo #2

The Montecristo #2 can be called one of the best cigars in the world. It constantly ranked one of the best cigars of the year, and has become the staple to which all other torpedoes are compared. They are a medium to full body with the perfect balance of spice and a smooth creamy taste. The #2 is without a doubt the most well-known Cuban cigar in the world.

2. Partagas Serie D

While not as well known as Cohiba and Montecristo, this is a true connoisseurs choice. It has a delicious woody finish and the robusto size is absolutely fantastic. Partagas is one of the oldest makers of Cuban cigars, dating back over 160 years. With that kind of history, its obvious their blends are some of the best you can find.

3. Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona

If you have the time to smoke a long, delicious, and well-rounded smoke, this Cuban Corona is your best choice. It has a great mix of cocoa and coffee with a subtle spicy aftertaste. It has an excellent burn and a superb aroma. If you want a top of the line cigar for the golf course, here is the one for you.

4. Bolivar Belicoso

The Bolivar Belicoso Fino is world renowned with some calling it the best full-bodied figurado on the market. It is crafted right in the heart of Cuba, within the old Partagas factory in Havana. It is very flavorful with an immensely complex profile. It starts out with a woody and floral taste, then it begins to emit flavors of fruit and spice. It’s rich, bold, and incredibly smooth.

5. Cohiba Behike

Behike is a very limited run by Cohiba but has gained outstanding ratings and is one of the most sought after cigars in the world. It uses a blend of the finest aged tobaccos from Cuba, including Media Tiempo. These are the highest leaves on the tobacco plant and they tend to be exceptionally strong. If you happen to come upon these beauties bring your wallet, they have been rated as one of the most expensive cigars in regular production.

6. Romeo Y Julieta Churchill

The Romeo Clemenceau is well known for being flavor but also incredibly smooth. While most Cuban cigars tend to have a good amount of strength, these are a solid medium body with a sweet and creamy taste and a perfectly smooth draw. The Churchill are a personal favorite of many celebrity aficionados.

7. Ramon Allones Specially Selected

These robusto sized Ramon Allones are one of the best-kept secrets of the Cuban cigar industry. They are medium to full body with a nice even burn and a rich flavor profile. It’s a mix of dark chocolate and coffee notes with a slight hint of a spice. The Specially Selected is a delicious little treat for after dinner.

8. Montecristo #4

It may not have the fame and flash of its torpedo counterpart, however the #4 is the best-selling Cuban cigar in the world. This small corona is the perfect morning cigar. Its medium bodied with a mellow and smooth smoke profile. Enjoy one of these Montecristo’s with your morning coffee.

9. H. Upmann Petite Corona

What it lacks in size, it makes up for in flavor. The H. Upmann begins its tale back in 1844. Although a lot of changes have occurred to its list of sizes, this little beauty has remained a constant and for good reason. Its flavors are a great blend of spice and coffee notes. This was the favorite cigar of President John F. Kennedy, so much so that he ordered 1,200 of them hours before he signed the Cuban embargo.

10. Cohiba Lancero

While some may argue about the inclusion of this cigar in the list, it is well deserved. Not only is the Cohiba lancero a delicious smooth cigar, it is all the first lancero ever developed. Created by Cohiba specifically for Fidel Castro, lancero’s now have a cult following. They are seen to be the cigar of choice for truly educated smokers, who know that although these smokes look thin and frail, their craftsmanship is among the finest in the world.

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