Women struggling with endometriosis experience chronic pain that can be difficult to manage. Treatment for the same ranges from natural therapies to surgical processes. Lately, many women have turned to cannabis to help treat endometriosis symptoms. Research has shown that CBD oil is beneficial for endometriosis.  

Understanding Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that only affects women. It is referred to as the
‘silent disease’. It occurs when the endometrial tissue is not present in a female body’s uterus but can be found in other organs. 


Biologically, endometrial tissue makes up the uterine lining and women lose these each month during menstruation. Mostly this tissue grows around the uterus but it can also spread to other parts of the body – such as the fallopian tubes, bowel, bladder, and other parts of the abdominal region. This leads to the generation of endometriomas or endometriotic cysts in the female body. There have also been a few cases where endometrial tissue has reached the lungs and also the brain.

Signs and symptoms of endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition where endometrial-like tissue grows outside the uterus of a female body. This tissue can then grow on organs like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, appendix, uterus, and bladder as well as some other abdominal areas. Because it is present in different organs, the condition can cause many different symptoms:

  • Pain in bladder
  • Premenstrual symptoms that remain consistent
  • Painful periods with heavy flow
  • Trouble in sleeping along with the feeling of tiredness and lethargy
  • Painful intercourse
  • Pain in the region of the lower back, hips, and even thighs
  • Bowel movements that are painful
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Fertility Issues
  • Anxiety and a feeling of being depressed

Cannabis For Treating Endometriosis

According to research, CBD for ovarian cyst pain has been very helpful. The cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body, mainly in the central and peripheral nervous system, the immune system. Apart from that, cannabinoid receptors have also been found in the endometrium as well as the gut linings.

Cannabis has two main cannabinoids called THC and CBD, that can interact with the cannabinoid receptors and both these have benefits in the treatment of endometriosis condition. 

Since one of the key features of endometriosis is inflammation, and cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties, it is very beneficial for elevating the symptoms and treating the condition. 

Another major symptom of endometriosis is pain that is often chronic. Studies have proven that cannabis is beneficial for chronic pain. Endometriosis can also cause other issues like anxiety and depression, both of which can be dealt with using CBD. 

Correct Dosage of CBD Oil for Endometriosis

Firstly, you should always read the label before taking any form of CBD. You should note the strength of the Qurist CBD Oil you are consuming. Products come in a wide range of potencies — like 300 mg, 600 mg, 1,000 mg, 2,000 mg, and even 4,000 mg.

CBD also affects individuals differently, depending on a wide range of factors and conditions that they are dealing with. Therefore people should always consult a doctor regarding what amount of dosage will be the most suitable. 

Please note that doctors can suggest an appropriate dosage or advise an individual against CBD if they are taking certain medications that may cause an unwanted drug interaction.

If it is safe to take CBD (i.e. there is no possibility of any harmful interaction), a person could start with a dose of 20 mg a day and increase this slowly until a desired effect is established. It is always best to stay within the manufacturer’s recommended safe upper limit, unless otherwise instructed by a healthcare professional.


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