You’re strolling down the street, feeling like a million bucks, when suddenly you catch a glimpse of your reflection in a storefront window.

But wait… who invited those wrinkles and sagging skin to the party?

Well, it might be time to consider getting a facelift for a bit of a boost. 

Let’s go through what you need to know about facelift before and after. 

1. Have Realistic Expectations

A facelift can turn back some of the signs of aging, but it can’t stop it altogether. While the procedure can boost facial appearance, it won’t make you look like a completely different person or halt the natural aging process.

If you want top-quality options, check out Dr. Michael Godin.

A facelift primarily addresses wrinkles and sagging skin. It may not address other concerns, such as deep lines around the mouth, sun damage, or uneven skin tone. Extra treatments may be necessary to address these issues.

2. Surgical Techniques

Different facelift techniques will have different anti-aging results.

A traditional facelift, also known as an SMAS facelift, involves making small incisions along your hairline, your ears, and possibly under the chin. Through these incisions, the surgeon accesses the underlying layer of facial tissue called the SMAS.

The SMAS is lifted, repositioned, and tightened to restore a more youthful contour to the face. Excess skin is then cut off, and the incisions are closed. This technique is effective for addressing moderate to severe signs of aging in your lower face and neck.

A mini facelift involves smaller incisions compared to the traditional facelift. The surgeon focuses on lifting and tightening specific areas of concern, such as the jawline and jowls.

By lifting and moving the skin and underlying tissues, the mini facelift can provide rejuvenation with less scarring and a shorter bounceback period than a traditional facelift.

It is best for people with signs of aging who desire subtle improvements. Look into mini facelift costs before you commit.

3. Recovery Periods

Immediately after the facelift surgery, you will experience swelling, some bruising, and discomfort in the affected areas. Your plastic surgeon may apply bandages or dressings to protect the incision sites and provide support to the newly lifted tissues.

Pain medication and antibiotics may be given to you to help with your discomfort and reduce the risk of infection. You’ll need to rest with your head elevated to minimize swelling and promote healing during the initial days following surgery.

4. Risks and Complications

Facelift surgery carries inherent risks, including bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. While these risks are relatively rare, it’s essential to discuss them with your surgeon and ensure that you’re in good overall health before undergoing surgery.

Your surgeon will take precautions to minimize these risks, such as performing the procedure in a sterile environment and carefully monitoring your vital signs during surgery.

Facelift Before and After: Now You Know

Now that you know about facelift before and after, you can figure out if investing in a facelift Richmond Virginia is right for you.

Do you want more beauty advice? Make sure you take a read through a few of our other excellent articles.

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