If you’re stuck in a rut with your restaurant business and in need of a change, taking the first step towards reinvention can seem daunting. How do you begin the transformation; and what will the final result achieve? The answer is to start the process the same you would begin a meal –  break down the reinvention into entree sized pieces.

Refresh & Renew

If change is as good as a holiday, it might be time to offer your business a figurative vacation. Perhaps the most immediately impactive thing you can do to breathe life into your restaurant is a physical transformation.

Changing the layout, colour scheme, seating and decor of your restaurant can alter the impact of your restaurant dramatically, and can change the mood from unintentionally retro to ‘whoa’. It can also provide a great precursor to inspire other alterations to the business, such as a change in name or a change in direction.

Small details such as plates, cutlery and hospitality supplies also add the the fresh new vibe, and this changeover provides a great opportunity to revitalise and replenish tired, cracked or dull tableware.

Adding Some Spice

Add some spice to your revamped business by recreating and tinkering with tired (or unchanged) recipes. It may be as simple as adding a new herb into an old, favoured dish, or providing exciting new condiments – details matter – and they will be noticed by customers.

If you’re having trouble settling on a menu, why not implement a rotating menu? A rotating menu offers regular night ‘specialties’, and enables you to promote special foods or one off creations. It can also allow your business to engage and test out a new cuisine en masse – giving you an idea of how successful (or how unpalatable) a new item really is.

Food Glorious Food

The best asset of a restaurant is its food. The food will be the crowning glory of your business, and will drive the return in business necessary to create a successful restaurant.

Know your strengths. If you’re confident that you’ve got the best example of a particular item, don’t be afraid to show it off. Successful businesses tap into the niche value of unique and quality products – find your signature and find the best possible advertisement and enticement for your business.

Up For Review

A good review has the power to create buzz around your restaurant and drive customers to through the door. It can also provide you with some honest, critical appraisal so that any early teething issues can be ironed out, addressed and reformed. In order to get a review for your new and improved restaurant, you will need to reach out. Get in touch with reviewers, bloggers and critics whose opinions you respect and trust, and provide them the opportunity to come in and create a review.

If you’re unable or unwilling to go down this path, another way to create a buzz around your restaurant relaunch is through the use of savvy marketing and social media. If you don’t have a member of staff dedicated to all things marketing, now is a good time to engage a PR firm in order to create a consistent, professional voice. Working with a marketing guru will enable your business to grow its base while also reaching new markets and celebrating milestones.

Refreshing and revamping your business is a great way to bring new life and new customers into the fold. It can also alter the perception of your business and provide it with greater visibility and exposure, providing you with the impetus to continually change and grow in order to remain profitable.

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