Raccoons are wise and easily adapt to new environments; the animals have invaded cities and towns, and Markham inclusive. These animals may appear quite harmless from their looks and sometimes they are aggressive, especially when they have young ones or when their lives are in danger. Any incident concerning an aggressive raccoon poses serious threat that residents need to know how to handle. This is where professional raccoon removal Markham companies come in handy because they help solve the problem humanely and once and for all.

1. Why Do Raccoons Become Aggressive?

Knowing the cause of raccoons aggression is the initial step in knowing how to deal with aggression. There are several reasons why a raccoon might display aggression:

Protecting their young: Raccoon loves her babies with anger; she will kill anyone who tries to harm them in any way she could. This is often evidenced in spring when raccoons breed and nurture their young ones but it happens all year round.

Cornered or trapped: Like any other wild animal you should know that raccoons become fierce when they are cornered. This is a normal instinct to safeguard itself from any Hazard that is regarded to be threatening.

Rabies: On occasion a raccoon might be rabid and this would make it become aggressive and violent very often and or exhibit odd behavior. Symptoms vary, they can act confused, agitated, aggressive or brave, lethargic and even be blind, deaf or paralyzed.

Competition for food: These animals are mostly found in urban areas such as Markham of course they are attracted to garbage bins and pet food left stray outside. These raccoons seem aggressive because if a raccoon feels threatened when searching for food, it will fight.

2. Symptoms of Aggressive Raccoon Behavior

A raccoon is not always immediately aggressive; there are signs that a raccoon may be ready to attack you like the following: Homeowners should be aware of these signals to avoid escalating the situation:

Growling or hissing: Raccoons will make some noise to express that they are he new and feared.

Raised fur: It is when the raccoons’ spikes are erected; this is basically an effort to intimidate its enemies.

Baring teeth: Another signal is the fact that raccoon opens its mouth to demonstrate that it has sharp teeth:

Charging or lunging: However, in the worst scenario, a raccoon for example, may try to chase or rush an invader.

In case you come across a raccoon exhibiting such symptoms you have to avoid panicking and don’t make any sudden movements. Raccoon shouldn’t be approached or fed, as it will react with aggression most of the times.

3. Measures to Take When You Encounter an Aggressive Raccoon

At one point, a raccoon may become hostile and pose a threat to you, your loved ones, or your property; right actions in such situations will save the situation in this Markham area. Here’s how to handle the situation:

Do not approach the raccoon: One may be thinking that in order to chase the raccoon away, this can only infuriate it even more. However, do not approach them to any high degree as this may be interpreted as a duel and they should never make eye contact where one should avert gaze at the chest level.

Secure pets and children: This is especially so if you have children and or animals out in the compound should be brought inside the house. The raccoons have the ability to consider other animals and humans as our competitors or threats and cause aggressiveness towards them.

Avoid feeding raccoons: Since raccoons that are fed may come around, future hostility from the raccoon is also expected. It is necessary to see that garbage bins are closed tightly and do not leave any food on the table.

Call a professional service: The surest and best way of dealing with hostile raccoons is to seek the services of a Markham raccoon removal agency. chewed up cables, they are tamed and relocated to avoid other losses through touching professional traps.

4. Prevention is Key

It is significant to understand as well how to deal with aggressive raccoons but the best thing is always prevention. By taking certain precautions, you can minimize the chances of a raccoon becoming aggressive on your property:

Seal potential entry points: Raccoons are good climbers and thus can easily infest your attic, garages and sheds. Check all corners of your property for any crack, openings or damaged vent which any raccoon may use to enter and block those openings.

Use raccoon-proof trash bins: Raccoons are usually known to be ugly animals that cause harm by rummaging through the Dump’s garbage. Bins with locking lids should be used for the same reason; children won’t be able to get to the food and make a mess.

Install motion-activated lights: Raccoons are most active at night and like to stay in rather quiet, and especially dark areas. Raccoons can be kept away from your home if motion activated lights are fixed around your compound.

Remove food sources: There shouldn’t be leftovers in the house and in the yard like pet food or bird seed which raccoons are attracted to. Store compost piles and unsecured trash as raccoons will also be attracted to them so ensure you secure them.

5. Licensed Raccoon Removal and Pest Control Services

It poses further aggression and therefore can be very dangerous to try to handle raccoons on your own. This is why people have to turn to the professional services for raccoon removal in Markham only. Such experts are aware of humane eviction techniques, to make sure that the raccoon is ejected harmlessly, from the area. They can also inform the best times to track raccoons and show areas around your house they could use to gain entrance and recommend on how to raccoon-proof your house.


Raccoons are often regarded as residents in Markham and most cases they are harmless but sometimes can become aggressive. It would be beneficial for you to understand how to handle the aggressive raccoons and when is the right time to call in Markham raccoon removal services. Thus, practicing prevention and making use of professional help in consequence, one would not have to face the perils or impose the detriment that comes with aggressive raccoon activity.

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