Two-thirds of Americans have been impacted by addiction. For some, this means watching a loved one struggle with substance abuse. For others, it means struggling with addiction themselves.

Addiction recovery is just as impactful. Not only can sobriety improve your health and quality of life, but it can restore important relationships.

When you’ve walked the road of addiction recovery, you deserve to celebrate it. Addiction recovery tattoos are a great way to express your pride and remind yourself every day why you’ve worked so hard to stay sober.

Read on for four inspiring tattoos for addiction recovery.

1. An Equilateral Triangle

An equilateral triangle has three sides that are all the exact same length. When drawn inside a perfect circle, the equilateral triangle is a symbol associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and thus a popular sobriety symbol.

The three sides of the triangle each have a meaning: unity, recovery, and service. These are the three pillars of AA that members often carry with them through life. Having an equilateral triangle tattoo is a great way to keep these pillars in mind.

2. The Serenity Prayer

Whether you join a group like AA or enter a rehab facility in Bremerton WA, you’re likely to encounter the serenity prayer. This prayer asks that you accept what can’t be changed, change what can, and bear the wisdom to know the difference.

Many people get all or part of this prayer tattooed on them. Even for those who aren’t religious, the serenity prayer is a mantra that can keep you on your course.

3. A Butterfly

Some people prefer recovery journey ink that is a little more subtle. Butterfly tattoos are a popular choice because they are universally accepted as a symbol of transformation.

Just as the butterfly emerges from the cocoon transformed and renewed, you’ve taken a new lease on life. However, the butterfly is also a widely used symbol, and people will only know what it means to you if you share it with them. In other words, it’s a more discrete option.

4. A Semicolon

Has a large part of your addiction recovery involved working on your mental health? For many in addiction recovery, healing from substance abuse and healing trauma go hand in hand.

The semicolon is a punctuation mark that doesn’t quite end a sentence but indicates that it’s moving in a different direction. It has also become a powerful symbol of struggling with mental health but committing to life again and again. This couldn’t be a more apt representation of substance abuse and addiction recovery.

Which Tattoos for Addiction Recovery Will You Get?

Addiction has impacted millions of people across the nation. Working towards sobriety takes strength, bravery, and dedication, and you deserve to commemorate how far you’ve come. Which of these tattoos for addiction recovery speaks most to your personal journey?

Sobriety represents an entirely new lifestyle, one that centers your health and well-being. Take a look around as we share the latest health news and lifestyle tips that support healthy choices.

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