Roswell is a city known for its charm and peaceful nature. A lot of us know it as the city of the infamous UFO sighting in July 1947, but what we do not know is that this same city sees a higher-than-average number of car accidents per capita.
Car accident lawyers in Roswell usually have their hands full due to the number of people seeking compensation for car accidents. Their expertise is essential for proving the at-fault party’s negligence and managing all the legal processes that follow.
But what exactly are these driving habits that put Roswell residents at risk? Stay with us because we’re exploring the top 5 behaviors that make Roswell drivers dangerous.
Overspeeding and Unnecessary Road Racing
Some Roswell drivers drive like the road is their personal race track. Even when there is no traffic, these drivers speed through the lanes like they’re trying to break a record.
Speeding and racing are dangerous, not just for the driver but for everyone on the road. Speed limits are there for a reason: they help ensure everyone has enough time to react to unexpected situations.
Tailgating happens intentionally and unconsciously. Sometimes, a driver may be so engrossed in other activities that they do not realize that the distance between them and the other car is too close for safety.
Other times, they’re well aware; they just do not mind. Tailgating is the same as breathing down someone’s neck. It’s stressful and unsafe for both parties. If you rear-end the car in front of you because you were following too closely, it’s your fault, even if they brake suddenly.
Switching Lanes Without Signaling
Other drivers won’t know your intentions if you don’t tell them. Some drivers just swerve into a different lane without using their turn signals. This has caused hundreds of accidents on Roswell roads.
Before changing lanes, always check your blind spots, then turn on your signal well in advance to give others time to react.
Inattentive Driving
It’s almost impossible to find a driver who’s handling steering with their full concentration. The drivers are either texting, talking on the phone, or even adjusting their makeup while cruising down the road.
Inattentive driving is a dangerous habit that can have dire consequences. In the blink of an eye, things can go south and result in the loss of lives. Aside from road users, even pedestrians can become victims of accidents caused by inattentive drivers.
The road demands your full attention. Put your phone away in a safe place where it’s out of sight and out of temptation. If you need to make a call or adjust your music, pull over to a safe location first.
Running Red Lights
Red lights convey one message very clearly – STOP! Yet, some drivers seem to view them as mere suggestions. It can be tempting to damn the consequences when you approach an intersection just before the light switches from green to red. But speeding through a red light is a gamble you shouldn’t take.
Red lights are there for a reason. They allow for safe traffic flow and prevent accidents between crossing vehicles and pedestrians. Running a red light not only puts yourself at risk but everyone else on the road too.
Wrapping Up
As Roswell residents, we have the collective duty of making the roads safe for everyone. Let us work together to put a stop to the accidents on Roswell roads.
The next time you’re behind the wheel, put the phone down, obey the speed limits, and use your turn signals. Let’s keep Roswell charming, peaceful, and, most importantly, accident-free!