Cannabis and its interactions with brain receptors have been the hub of debate for the longest time. Its classification as a Schedule 1 drug, meaning it has no ‘accepted medical use’ has impeded scientists’ work to study the drug and understand its effects.

Citing its benefits, people often ask us questions like “why is CBD good for your skin?”, “What are its advantages?” and whatnot. Through these posts, we are taking up one of the most asked questions to us about the positive effects of Cannabis on people’s mental performance.

However, an increased number of clinical reports and research works have brought the therapeutic attributes of marijuana into the limelight. And, since, mental fitness is something very crucial in today’s fast-paced life, we cannot neglect the perks of marijuana in improving the brain’s performance. Let us take a deeper dive into the matter.

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  1.   Marijuana can spur Brain Creativity

Contrary to the age-old misconceptions regarding its use, cannabis seeds can perk up the brain’s cognitive abilities and even augment creativity. It is because the active components in marijuana, particularly in Sativa-dominant strains, stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain.

A study has revealed that being high on cannabis makes people come up with radically new ideas. Some participants also developed better verbal fluency and had an enhanced vocabulary in related concepts. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory qualities, cannabis is, in fact, good for memory too.


  1.   Treatment of Anxiety and Stress Disorders

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While it is not uncommon to get anxious for a big day at the office or before your first public performance, it does become a matter of concern when anxiety takes the form of a disorder and starts interfering with your day to day activities. Cannabis strains, especially Sativa strains, have energizing properties that can bring about euphoria in a person under stress and reduce his anxiety when registered in the right dose.

One of the leading causes of the legalization of medical marijuana is its properties to regulate the system of fear and anxiety in patients having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Cannabis strains can also normalize the symptoms of PTSD like recurrent nightmares and insomnia.


  1.   Evidence of protecting the Brain from Traumatic Injuries

One of the most prominent areas of research on medical cannabis is its ability to act as a neuro-protective agent. Based on both clinical and laboratory data, it has been found that marijuana has healing properties after a concussion or traumatic injury in the brain. It can even diminish the area of impact in case of a brain stroke and protect the person’s brain from further damage. One can also try there hand on the hash. It is highly potent and contains a high level of THC. This means that the effects can be more profound. 


  1.   Treatment of Epileptic Seizures

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The enhancement of electrical activity in the brain renders anti-seizure properties to cannabis. A research carried out on epileptic rats at Virginia Commonwealth University showed that the cannabinoids in marijuana bind with the brain cells that regulate excitation and relaxation, thereby keeping seizures under control for around ten hours.

Such promising benefits have led to the approval of CBD drugs like Epidiolex for sale in the market. Doctors are recommending Epidiolex to treat rare forms of childhood-onset epilepsies such as Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.


  1. Marijuana for Insomnia

Indica strains like Granddaddy Purple and Afghan Khush that are available on online dispensaries have intense relaxing effects. For people struggling with insomnia, be it because of stress and anxiety or excess consumption of alcohol, these strains bring a beacon of hope. With judicious use, you can eliminate the irregularities in your sleep pattern and boost your sleep quality. One can also consume Marijuana edible Twisted Extracts post-dinner. These extract takes 2 hours to work and ensures you have sweet sleep.


  1. Signs of Alzheimer’s disease delayed

As the brain’s performance dwindles when you age, early signs of Alzheimer’s start appearing. Alzheimer’s has no direct treatment, but a study conducted by Kim Janda of Scripps Research suggests that marijuana can ebb the progression of the disease.

THC, the psychotic compound in marijuana, blocks the enzymes in the brain that form amyloid plaques, says a 2006 study published in the Molecular Pharmaceutics. These are the plaques that destroy brain cells and cause Alzheimer’s.


  1.   Medical Marijuana can also treat Depression

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Depression is the most widespread mental disorder today with more than 300 million people experiencing it worldwide either as psychotic depression, postpartum depression, major depressive disorder, or in some other form. Pharmaceutical anti-depressant drugs come with side effects like sleeplessness, mood swings, and sexual dysfunctions.

On the other hand, studies highlight the ability of CBD in cannabis to interact with the serotonin receptors in the brain and promote emotional well-being without much potential side effects. On long-term usage, it can even drive away depression altogether. Get cannabis products from the best online dispensary in Canada to treat your depression.

 As a growing number of benefits of the cannabis surface, it is high time we let go of our stereotyped perceptions on cannabis and instead endorse it as a medical drug.




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