By Sagar

If you are looking for ways to create quality content on social media, then the best advice is to create your own blog. Learn how to create viral content, post it on your blog and reach out to the masses. These are the main steps that will lead you to online success.

But it isn’t as easy as it sounds. There is a complete formula on what makes content viral. A catchy headline, originality, proper usage of keywords and quality content are some of the main aspects that can make your content shareable.

The best way to start is to take inspiration from good writing tips. Next, add some carefully chosen words that can grab your reader’s attention. If you find it complicated, you can take help from the plethora of blogging tools available online that can help you in each and every aspect of content creation and spreading the word online.

In this article, we are sharing some of our favorite content writing tools that can help you create interesting and shareable content for your blog, so that you get maximum followers within a short span of time.

1- Quora

The first step of writing is inspiration. You need to tap those creative juices to get them flowing. To create viral content, you need to stay abreast with the latest happenings, so that you can address those issues in your posts. And, the best way to do that is to follow a crowdsourcing website, like Quora.

Quora gives you an insight into real people’s perspectives. It gives you new ideas to create fresh content or a unique point of view to tackle a post. It is also the perfect platform to ‘test’ your blog post ideas. You can carry it forward if you receive a good response and transition them into full-fledged articles. You can also answer maximum queries related to topics of your expertise, so that you get their ‘expert’ label. Once you are considered a figure of authority, your voice will be heard and your writings will definitely carry more weight.

In addition, always share your questions on Facebook and Twitter to get maximum response and it will also help attract more followers to your blog.

2- Portent title maker

Your blog post title can either make or break the success of your blog. If the title of your post is catchy, there is no way readers won’t click on it. On the other hand, even if your post is well researched and insightful, it will fail to achieve the desired results unless it has a great title.

Consider your post title as an effective marketing medium. Readers will only skim through the first few words when it will appear in search engine results, links or on websites. This is why, it is advised to choose a title after a lot of brainstorming and research. Portent title maker is one such tool that can make this job easier for you. It offers you sample blogpost titles with a breakdown that shows how effective it might be. You can refresh it multiple times for new ideas.

Hopefully, you’ll make a solid first impression with a great blog post title from now on.

3- Citeninja

Citeninja is a great social outreach tool that can take your blog to new heights. It is an automated solution for bloggers who want to reach guest bloggers, manage key relationships and measure their content’s impact on their business.

Citeninja provides you more than a traditional outreach tool. You can save a lot of precious time that is often consumed by blogger outreach, and get a lot of important contacts through it. This tool will soon make it easy for you to decide what works best in your interests. This is why, your outreach efforts will remain organized and strategic at all times.

So, if you want a tool that connects you with highly ranked guest bloggers, Citeninja has got you covered.

4- Trello

Trello is an effective organization tool that can be used by an individual or a whole team simultaneously. It has 3 components – boards, lists and cards – that help you stay organized at all times. Boards are used for a broad category like topics, team members’ names, etc. Cards are individual to-dos that you can add to each board. Just add your blog post ideas into Trello, and each idea pins up as a card. You can add specifications like date, keywords and other notes inside each card and move it to another list with a simple drag and drop system.

It’s simple yet effective layout has made it a hot favorite among bloggers.

5- Keyword planner

If you want to convert your idea into a viral blogpost, you need to insert some popular keywords in it. This is when Google’s Keyword planner comes into action. You can enter some keywords and it will let you know if they are popular enough to be used.

Keyword planner also saves time by providing you with related keywords that can be really helpful to spark new ideas for future blog posts.

6- Grammarly

Grammarly is an all in one grammar checking tool that can correct spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, style and much more. The initial version of Grammarly is free, but if you want a complete solution, it is recommended to buy their paid plan as it will save you a lot of time and hassle during editing.

7- Google Docs

One of the most widely used writing tools, Google docs is a great solution because it is a cloud based system. It allows you to access your documents from anywhere, at any time.

Another benefit of writing in google docs is that it allows you to collaborate with a number of other tools simultaneously. The spell and grammar check of Google Docs is also quite advanced, making it a one stop solution for all your writing needs.


There are a thousand apps and plugins that can help you get started on your own blog, but the ones mentioned in this article are tried and tested. We RNGSEO have not only used these tools personally, but have also created great quality content that brings in ton of traffic.

Some of these tools are free while others cost a little bit of money, but think of it as an investment. Investing in good and useful blogging tools will make it easier for you to achieve great heights of success in a small period of time.

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