All eyes on Saulo Oliveira S., the Prince Of Rock

The Prince of Rock reemerges with the promise of a new studio album which, in the realm of not having a release day scheduled yet, is already building expectations and rumours.

When Saulo Oliveira announced a new full-length album, due in 2025, the news did not come without some suspicion. It is believed that the rocker posted this announcement on his official website just to calm people down. To better understand this imbroglio, we need to go back a few months.

Some time ago, it came to light that the long-awaited single “Nighthawks” that Saulo was working on was not even close to being finished, which generated dissatisfaction among fervent spectators known as “The Cult of Saulo”, who threatened to set fire to tyres and block the Sunset Strip (Los Angeles) until the musician released the song. A petition was started and still Saulo was not moved.

But the pressure finally increased after a behind-the-scenes leak known as “The Fly Incident” became widely known. According to the story, Oliveira had spent an entire day in the studio looking for a fly whose buzzing was being picked up along with his voice in the mic. Only at the end of the afternoon, after exhausting the team after the fly, the artist discovered that it was a hiss in his microphone and, discouraged by the situation, he went home and did not return to finish the song.

Impatient, the most seasoned fans, who have been waiting more than two years for the release of the single and almost five years for a new album, decided to protest by putting pressure on the singer. It seems to have worked, after all, the announcement of a new full-length album came a few weeks but, as it came without a set date, there is speculation that this could be a strategy by the musician to calm spirits and in the end not release anything.

Saulo Oliveira S. has been in the news again since the release of his EP “Prince of Rock” in 2022, an immeasurable triumph in artistic proportions. Before that, the singer of “Like We Used to Do” was a model, a law student and a student of another course at Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences with a degree in Arts and Design in which the study was Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and the 19th Century Orchestra.

Going back even further in time, it is possible to understand how it all began. On June 6, 2006, while waiting for the bus to school, in the company of friends, playing his harmonica, Saulo was surprised by the presence of a man who identified himself as the devil himself.

Challenged by the stranger to see who could play the best harmonica solo, Saulo played the best and, as promised, the devil gave him the “Elder Harmonica”, and also allowed the boy to keep his soul intact. After this story became popular on Orkut, Oliveira became known as “The Boy Who Defeated the Devil and Became Bigger than God”, the cult was born and, with it, the expectation that Saulo would play the devil’s harmonica live. For fourteen years they waited in vain.

It was only in 2020, on the album “Wild Horizon”, that Saulo finally used the instrument. From then on, with each new step the musician takes, the eyes of those who enjoy good Alternative Rock are always wide open.

And, at the moment, with the announcement of a new album, all eyes are on Saulo Oliveira S., and, until the release date is confirmed, it should continue to be that way.

Known for being elusive and releasing a remarkable work and then immediately disappearing, it may be time for Saulo to reappear. There is no escaping so many eyes. After all, despite the suspicion that the announcement of a new album was just to avoid tyre smoke, if even Oasis is back, Saulo can too.

The return of rock stars is a trend. For many people, the return of some rock stars is more anticipated than anything else. The return of Saulo, not only for his cult, seems to be more relevant than the return of Christ himself, more palpable even.

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