After a 7 year investigation by the Obama administration, they unveiled her family was the one that inspired the NBC sitcom and they now demand equal access to opportunities, due to the atrocious crime by Bill Cosby and others. Bill Cosby articulated how he came up with the show on KQED Public Radio in July 2014, describing the family as part Afro-Latino, matching all occupations found in Dr. Ann-Marie Adams’ family. The characters all maintained a resemblance and similar traits as described in this detailed article written by private investigators, proving her family inspired The Cosby Show: The Cosby Show And Me at www.thehartfordguardian.com.
Ann-Marie’s passion is to tell untold stories with rich complexity and nuances of the human dimension. She says. “My offering is a fantastic untold story about The Cosby Show and how my family life scripts played a role in shaping the spine and several episodes in the show. The list of scenes resonated and is identical to past experiences. The fashion and the hairstyles are similar.”
As a historian, she was the first to publish work based on serious scholarship that covers the entire arc of blacks in Connecticut from the colonial period to the twentieth century, which also focuses on Sheff v. O’Neill, a landmark school desegregation case in Connecticut. She has also been on assignment and has done scholarly work in Ghana, Ethiopia, Mexico, the Caribbean and Europe. She is the president of the National Association of Caribbean-American Journalists.
Facebook.com/Dr. Ann-Marie Adams

More about Ann-Marie Adams
Ann-Marie Adams is an award-winning journalist, historian, and founder of The Hartford Guardian. Before that, she worked for The Washington Post, The Hartford Courant, theroot.com, the Norwich Bulletin, Times-Herald Record, People magazine, NBC 4 New York, CT News 12 and FOX News in New York City. Adams has taught journalism and history Rutgers University, Howard University, and Quinnipiac University. As a journalist, Adams has covered President George Bush and President Barack Obama. She is a prolific writer and has had more than 5,000 by-lines in dozens of publications. For more than 15 years, she has covered several beats: education, government, immigration, and politics. She has covered presidential, gubernatorial and mayoral inaugurations, the Pope’s visit to the United States and breaking news in Connecticut and New York. Her first breaking news story was the 1999 Columbine school shootings. Adams has appeared on television and radio in Connecticut, New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. and holds a Ph.D. in U.S. History and African Diaspora with distinction from Howard University. She has garnered fellowships from Investigative Reporters and Editors Investigative Boot Camp, Poynter, Hechinger Institute at Columbia Teachers College, Education Writers Association, the Casey Journalism Center for Children and Families, the International Center for Journalists, the Editorial Writing Program at the John Seigenthaler Center, and the University of California, Berkeley’s Knight Digital Media Center. She was also selected as a 2013 delegate for the United Nations High-Level Dialogue on International Migration.