Global markets have witnessed a rapid rise in sales, especially since the looming danger of COVID-19 was lifted off the shoulders of the populace. Customers and consumers around the world are now paying more attention to themselves and their needs, which has originated a worldwide surge in consumerism. After going through a life-altering pandemic, people have come to the realization that there is a wide range of other things in the world than smoking and drunk driving that can end up causing mortal danger to their lives. This realization has fueled in the masses a desire to live their life to their full potential.

This shift in mindset has resulted in customers purchasing to their heart’s content and businesses producing more than ever have in history. The increase in sales and subsequent revenue has resulted in companies looking to allocate a larger budget toward marketing and advertising services. Corporate organizations are actively seeking services from those in the public eye to promote their products and lure more customers to their stores. With profits increasing worldwide in the fashion industry, companies are in dire need of models who can not only promote their products but also become the face of their brands. However, nowadays, the criterion to become the face of a brand has changed a lot. It’s not like in the old days when a single model would hoard all the good deals and brands on the basis of their popularity; times have changed, and so have business practices. Nowadays, the masses care as much about the models as the products they endorse. The age of social media has ripped apart the toxic industry mechanisms and created a fair and safe space for people to voice their concerns.

Such changes have forced the modeling industry to switch its business practices and incorporate better methods to handle talent. Where on the one hand, most companies are facing trouble adjusting to the new ways of doing things, a London-based proactive modeling agency, Body London, has established itself as a pioneer in the new age of modeling. Founded by model Gemma Howorth in 2009, Body London is an agency headquartered in London. Taking a proactive stance in the modeling industry, Body London welcomes models from various backgrounds. Models handled by their agency include members of the LGBTQ+ community, activists for inclusiveness, environmentalists, and musicians. Body London has positioned itself as a blueprint for others to follow as it has not only set a standard when it comes to taking care of its models but also when it comes to being environmentally aware and responsible. The agency hosts talk on a variety of social problems, such as body positivity, diversity, and awareness of models’ rights.

Offering editorial, commercial, and fashion models, Body London ensures that each customer in the organization gets a dedicated booker who learns about their needs to provide a better working environment. Each model has a personal manager as well as a manager who has received training in mental health as part of a distinct model management team.

Regarding the seriousness of climate change, Body London is in favor of the world becoming carbon-neutral. It also supports sustainable fashion and initiatives that promote awareness. When someone books a job with the firm, a tree is planted as part of the company’s One Job, One Tree campaign. The local community benefits from managing this expansion by creating jobs for at-risk groups.

All in all, Body London has embodied what a healthy and efficient working environment is all about. The organization not only cares for the models under its wing but is also out to change the entire structure of modeling agencies worldwide.

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