Getting accustomed to speaking in a new language is not easy, therefore finding the best way to say something is difficult. To which, for many of the first-time international students, attaining a high level of conversational or spoken English may well be one of the most challenging tasks. Maryland English Institute or MEI to support the efforts of the students in building the much-needed confidence when speaking English in academic, professional and social contexts. With the help of teachers and appropriately designed surroundings, MEI fosters learning and practice of speaking within students and enhance their motivation through individually tailored approach, contextual learning, and cultural awareness.

 1. Building a Protective and Facilitating Climate

 Among the important principles of MEI’s work, the foundation of which is leisurely individual and group training, is to provide the child with a comfortable environment for learning where he/she can make mistakes and correct them. The faculty members in the Maryland English Institute know that learners may experience shyness or while speaking English, and particularly, when doing it before others. MEI creates a hospitable climate for learning where the students feel comfortable to speak in front of their classmates without pressure based on language barriers hence helping Learner overcome the anxiety that comes with speaking a new language.

 This kind of environment enables the students to open up and practice speaking in a risk free environment which is nevertheless a good way of building confidence. Whenever the students feel familiar with the instructors and fellow learners, they are freer to open their mouths and start speaking, to ask questions and even to use new language skills.

 2. Interactive and Engaging Lessons

 Each lesson that is taught in the Maryland English Institute activities are meant to be more engaging and learner-oriented. MEI, therefore, emphasizes on students’ and meaningful learning as opposed to nonengaged learning through memorization. In particular, group discussions, role plays, presentations, and debates offer numerous situations for the development of speaking skills in Second Language.

 MEI understands when the lessons are embedded into real life situations, the students will be practicing not only their English but also learning on how to apply it when undertaking certain activities. This is a practical way of helping the students to develop practical language skills hence enhancing their confidence while speaking English outside classroom.

 3. Personalized Feedback and Guidance

 This is among the strategies employed by MEI in developing confidence in speaking English by offering tailor made lessons. This language skill development is given individual feedback by the instructors on how to enhance the pronunciation, fluency, as well as the grammatical structures in the language. This makes it easier for the students to be able to know where they belong and make follow-ups on their status.

 Besides, MEI has the provision of individual training and counselling for those who may require assistance in the area of speaking. The matters of individual attention let every learner study here and get the necessary support to succeed. Whenever the speaking skills of the students are enhanced, they tend to be more empowered to express themselves in English.

 4. Opportunities for Cultural Immersion

 The Maryland English Institute also stresses on the issue of cultural context as one of the ways of learning the language. This way students gain confidence to communicate with English speaking people and are familiar with regional cultural differences. MEI coordinates as well as arranges field trips, guest speakers, and social events as means of familiarizing students with American customs, and as ways for students to use the English language in everyday life contexts.

 Such exposures assist the students not only in the mastering of use of language, but also in learning culture of countries where English is dominant so as to be able to survive within such cultures. By going out and talking to the native speakers and participating in conversations that takes place outside the classroom, the students feel more at ease in using English.

 5. Peer Support and Collaboration

 The second major area, which has been underlined in the work of the MEI, is the idea of establishing a students’ community. Peer interaction as well as group work is the key practice at the Maryland English Institute in as much as learning. Students of different L1s communicate with each other, bring their experience and help to practice English with each other. This approach is highly effective in establishing confidence among the students since they encourage one another in the entire learning process.


The Maryland English Institute is all about making the students develop the self- assurance they require to speak the language fluently. In this way, learning other people’s language becomes very effective and enables the students to get over their phobias; moreover, MEI facilitates cultural encounters and offers supportive lessons, pro-active feedback, and particular caring for speaking skills to get prepared for academic, professional, and social life. Learning the language at MEI, students, who are planning to continue their education in university or progress in the career, receive the utensils and courage to negotiate in the English-speaking countries.

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