No matter how creative your mind is, it simply must run along the creativity trends to lead you to success. The competitive world we live in today makes it essential to know what’s happening.
‘The only way to keep abreast of things that inspire and signify creativity is to seek inspiration in every corner. Dip into other creative things from time to time – these should provide you with the push you need to boost your creative self’ – says Sofia Hamilton, content writer at an essay writing service.
To answer the question on whether creativity can be learned or not, the answer is yes. Creativity lies within every person in the world. It only takes finding the right trigger to boost that creativity in a person and help him do great things.
For those who are looking for a way to get their creative juices flowing, we created a list of the top 5 sources that do wonders with inspiring creativity.
1. TED Talks
There is hardly a person who hasn’t watched at least one TED video. If you are one of these people, you are missing out on a lot. This website is the main source for inspiration for millions of people online and provides a myriad of videos that range from a couple of minutes to over an hour.
TED features all kinds of topics, each more inspiring than the next. Nothing strange about it – TED is the place where the most remarkable people in the world speak their mind and give people inspiring presentations on a variety of topics.
2. Pinterest
Pinterest is the platform where people share ideas, discuss topics, and provide you with a source of visual creativity whenever you need it. You can use this source to research different topics, find beautiful photos, or search an idea for your next creative step.
If you haven’t used it yet, you surely have a friend who has the app and keeps looking at it on regular basis. Pinterest is one of the hottest things on the Web nowadays and everyone seems to love it.
And what isn’t there to love? Think of it as a digital pin board where you can collect visual multimedia that keeps you inspired. You can create separate boards for different pins and return to these whenever you need a small creativity boost.
3. Creativity Post
The Creativity Post was founded by three extremely creative PhDs who wanted to spread inspiration with everyone who needs it. It is a non-profit platform used solely for sharing creativity in every view, starting from philosophy to scientific discovery, from education to entrepreneurship, from technology to art.
If you choose this website for the next source of inspiration, you will find many interviews with some of the most successful people in the world. The ideas and stories are inspirational and will do a great deal in expanding your creativity.
4. Share a Story
Share a Story is a platform for exactly that – sharing stories and storytelling. Sharing many human experiences, the site has a myriad of categories you can choose from. Visitors can even look at stories based on world regions. By now, over 20 countries are represented on this website.
Sharing your creativity with others can help them when struggling with finding inspiration, same as it will do to you if you read the creative content on this site. Anyone can submit a story as long as they use the suggested length (1000 to 1400 words).
You will find that writing is a great outlet for getting rid of the stress. If you are struggling with inspiration because you keep everything inside, putting your thoughts ‘onto paper’ can really help you. What better way to find inspiration than from those who have searched for it and already found it? Lucky for us, many people are willing to share their secrets with the world.
5. Quotations Book
The Quotations Book will surely get you inspired. As soon as you find the right quote, you can reboot your creativity system and finish everything you want. Solely looking by the creative choice of quotes from successful and smart people will convince you to think creatively, and you’ll have a lot of fun along the way.
The quotes on this website are split in different categories such as love, achievement, change, adversity, etc. All it takes is a peek into their categorizing and you can narrow down the choice to the field you feel like you need to be inspired in.
Author bio: Joe McLean is a journalist and traveler. He says he often struggles with finding the right inspiration source. Being a troubled creative person as he is, he is sharing his findings and secrets with the rest of the world.