Fashion Business

Clothing helps to satisfy one of the basic human needs — to live in warmth and comfort. The fashion industry embraces everything that allows people to realize this aspiration. Brands compete with each other, trying to expand the circle of their customers, offering advanced models that meet the requirements of the time. Dozens and hundreds of employees are involved in these processes, each of which is responsible for solving certain tasks, whether it is creating a sketch of a new model or decorating a shop window. As in any other industry, management plays a major role. In Istituto Marangoni Miami, students who have completed Bachelors in fashion business can find their calling by choosing one of the many highly paid and interesting professions.

Professions for Bachelors of Fashion Business

The fashion business includes dozens of professions in different fields. Most often, graduates receive such positions:

  • Development director, retail director, brand manager, product manager;
  • Specialist in e-commerce, project manager in large international companies in the mass market segments;
  • Business consultants in the fashion industry;
  • E-commerce entrepreneurs;
  • Employees of fashion houses in the USA, Canada, and European countries;
  • Organizers of fashion weeks, shows, and other international events in the fashion industry in local and international markets.

Features of professions in the field of fashion management

Education in the field of fashion gives the opportunity to choose both common (marketer, sales representative, entrepreneur, etc.) and narrowly focused professions (clothes designer, costume designer, set designer). Each position has its advantages and career prospects.

1)    A marketer is a person responsible for finding a target audience and attracting more customers to sell a product.

A fashion marketer is looking for new and improving old advertising channels for new collections and the brand as a whole. Representatives of this profession need to have strategic thinking, be able to communicate with people, and know the basics of promoting products on the market. The marketer must analyze the competitive market and find new opportunities to market and promote clothing.

2)    Buyer — a specialist responsible for the purchase of goods for the store.

They can make up a range of outlets based on the latest trends in the fashion world and the needs of customers. Often, buyers work as freelancers with several retailers. A representative of this profession must navigate the changes in the consumer market and know the prices and properties of goods. To accomplish these tasks, they analyze the purchasing power and assess the quality of the product.

3)    Sales representative —— a professional involved in the sale of goods to retail outlets.

Their responsibilities include searching for sales markets, communicating with representatives of retail chains, concluding contracts, and monitoring the sale of products. In this profession, you must have a competent speech, know the features of your company’s products, and be able to present information about them to a potential buyer. An attractive appearance is also important for a sales representative because they are, in some way, the face of a fashion brand.

4)    Fashion blogger — a person who creates content about fashion and style in text or video format.

They share with their readers or viewers information about fashion trends, ideas for combining things, and news from the world of the fashion industry. To become a fashion blogger, you need to be able to analyze different sources of information and convey the idea to the target audience in an easy-to-understand way. At the same time, competent speech, confident computer and smartphone skills, and the ability to create a memorable style for your blog are important.

5)    Set designer — a person who creates a creative concept for commercial installations: advertising campaigns, shop windows, exhibitions.

This professional is responsible for the selection of colors, style, and subject content of the frame, in which a certain idea must be traced that can attract the attention of the audience. This profession has a branch — prop-designer. This worker in the fashion industry is responsible for the correct placement of objects in the frame. It depends on them how concise and attractive the story on the official channel of the fashion brand or the preview for the new collection will look.

6)    The brand manager is a strategically important link between the brand and the consumer.

They study the market and the target audience, create a brand concept and promotion strategy, analyze competitors, and know how to attract and retain a buyer. Specialization may depend both on the product and on the nature of the target audience. For example, brand managers of a premium product will require additional knowledge and training.

As you can see, the choice of professions in the fashion world is very wide. There are options for creative people who like to work with numbers and people. You just need to highlight your strengths and decide on your dreams and goals. And then  — a matter of technique and purposefulness.

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