One of the better wrestlers in any promotion may finally be getting the dues that are owed to him. As the most recent Ring of Honor show aired and we saw the ending of the Decade of Excellence Tournament. In case you are not aware, the Decade of Excellence Tournament was set up to acknowledge the wrestlers of Ring of Honor who have been with the company since the start. Some of the wrestlers who were included in this tournament were Christopher Daniels, Jay and Mark Briscoe, Alex Shelly, Colt Cabana, Jay Lethal, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, and BJ Whitmer. This tournament began in December at the famous ECW arena in Philadelphia. The winner of this tournament will get a Ring of Honor title shot against Adam Cole in March.
It should be noted that Christopher Daniels won this tournament and will go on to face Adam Cole in the Ring of Honor 15th Anniversary Show in Las Vegas, Nevada in a couple of weeks. I am glad that Daniels is getting this opportunity for the title. It should be noted that Daniels has been in professional wrestling for the better part of twenty years and has never been able to break through to the main event scene. He is one of the better, technological minded wrestlers in this industry and one of the greats.
However, Christopher Daniels faces one battle that will make it for interesting Ring of Honor television shows over the next few weeks. The current Ring of Honor champion, Adam Cole, is in the stable known as the Bullet Club. It will be interesting to see what type of havoc they cause for Christopher Daniels before he meets Cole in the ring in March. What will be more intriguing is if most of the havoc is caused by one of the newer members of the stable. Back in the beginning of February, Christopher Daniels’ tag partner Frankie Kazarian would end up turning on him and joining the Bullet Club.
While any of them would have made sense, giving the opportunity to Christopher Daniels was the right move by Ring of Honor. Out of the eight wrestlers that were in this tournament, I couldn’t see Liger, Whitmer, or Shelly main eventing this pay-per-view. It will be interesting to see if Daniels is able to finally have a major title run in his career before he eventually calls it a career.
We will have your coverage for the 15th Anniversary Show for Ring of Honor that is happening March 10th and 11th in Las Vegas.