The most common childhood diseases are conditions which predominantly affect children during their almost entirely unsecured immune system before the adolescence age. In addition, they are likely to spread easily due to the fact that through attendance at schools, daycare centers and playgrounds they still share these environments with their peers. Without being severe, though most childhood diseases are mild ones and defeat on their own, some diseases can be more hazardous and need medical intervention. Here are some of the most common childhood illnesses:Here are some of the most common childhood illnesses:
Common Cold:
Be one of the viral infections that affect the upper part of the respiratory tract, with the symptoms being runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and sometimes fever. Besides that, it is a very common pediatric illness, which usually gets cleared within the weekend. Visit a Pediatrician in Lahore for its treatment.
Influenza (Flu):
Like the common cold, the flu is caused by influenza virus and its symptoms become more intense for example as high fever, muscle and joint pains, tiredness and breathing complications. By vaccination people can get influenza any year.
Ear Infections (Otitis Media):
Infections of the tympanum are usually bacterial or viral, showing symptoms like ear pain, fever, baby irritation and in some cases hearing problems. When children get infected they also insert their hands or fingers in their ears and that is why a lot of them contract ear infections.
Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis):
A type of diarrhea caused by a viral infection, often rotavirus or norovirus, that leads to an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. The symptoms include vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and raised body temperature. It can be highly contagious and spread more easily than other common viruses.
Varicella-zoster, highly contagious virus that is of a viral origin. The symptoms include itchy red spots or blisters all over the body, frequent bouts of fever, and body pains. The majority of kids are already over their illness in a week long period, although some may experience legacies of this illness in their future.
A bacterial skin infection, observed to occur predominantly under the skin, the cause of which is meningococcal bacteria. It causes a herpetic infection where we can see oozing yellow crusty sores to form. The impetigo is known for its high infectiousness and the day care centers often deal with its outbreak especially among the children aged 3-5 who are in direct contact with their peers.
When to consult a pediatrician?
The main thing is to know the correct situation in which you need to consult a Pediatrician in Karachi for your child’s good health. Go to the doctor immediately if the child’s temperature is at 100.4°F (38°C); respiratory troubles, such as wheezing or rapid breathing; signs of dehydration which includes vomiting, diarrhea as well as little or no urination; severe abdominal pain; unusual rashes or lumps on the body; or dramatic behavior and consider seeking immediate medical attention Have trust in yourself and your choices instinctive and ask a pediatrician for professional assistance so that you can have personalized care for you and reassurance.
Parents are highly recommended to monitor their children closely to any symptoms of the most common childhood diseases, help them to reach out to doctors in time and use the typical preventive measures such as vaccination, frequent hand washing, and staying away from those who suffer from illness and disease in order to block an infection. Besides, making sure that children follow healthy living, that means, eat a balanced diet, get used to physical exercise, and have enough hours of good sleep, will also lead to a strong immune system in children and consequently, to fewer infections amongst them.