In the realm of e-commerce, having a robust and user-friendly URL structure is crucial for both SEO and customer experience. Magento 2, one of the leading e-commerce platforms, offers a powerful URL rewrite system that allows merchants to control the URLs of their products, categories, and CMS pages. However, there are times when the URL rewrites need to be regenerated, whether due to changes in the product catalog, migrations, or other updates. This comprehensive tutorial on Magento 2 URL Rewrite Regenerate will guide you through the process, ensuring your store maintains optimal URL structures with minimal hassle

Understanding URL Rewrites in Magento 2

What are URL Rewrites?

URL rewrites in Magento 2 allow you to customize the URL of a product, category, or CMS page to make it more SEO-friendly or user-friendly. Instead of using the default, often cumbersome URLs generated by Magento, URL rewrites enable you to create clean, descriptive URLs that can improve search engine rankings and enhance user navigation.

Types of URL Rewrites

  • Product URL Rewrites: These are used to change the URLs of individual products.
  • Category URL Rewrites: These modify the URLs of category pages.
  • CMS Page URL Rewrites: These allow for changes to the URLs of CMS pages.

How URL Rewrites Work

Magento 2 stores URL rewrites in a dedicated table in the database. When a URL is accessed, Magento checks this table to see if there’s a rewrite rule that matches the requested URL and then directs the user to the appropriate page.

Why Regenerate URL Rewrites?

The Need for URL Rewrite Regeneration

Regenerating URL rewrites can become necessary for several reasons:

  • Changes in Product or Category Names: If you update product or category names, the URLs need to reflect these changes.
  • Migrations and Imports: After importing a new product catalog or migrating from another platform, URLs may need to be regenerated to fit the new structure.
  • Fixing Broken Links: Regeneration can help fix broken links caused by outdated URL rewrites.

Benefits of URL Rewrite Regeneration

  • Improved SEO: Freshly generated URLs that are clean and keyword-rich can boost your store’s SEO.
  • Better User Experience: Well-structured URLs make navigation easier for users, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Consistency and Accuracy: Ensures all URLs in your store are consistent with current product and category names.

Preparing for URL Rewrite Regeneration

Backup Your Data

Before making any changes to your URL rewrites, it’s essential to back up your Magento database. This precaution ensures you can restore your site to its previous state if anything goes wrong during the process.

Analyze Current URL Rewrites

Review your current URL rewrites to identify any patterns or specific URLs that need attention. This step helps in understanding what changes are necessary and in avoiding duplication or conflict with existing rewrites.

Clear Cache

Clear Magento’s cache to ensure that all changes are correctly applied and to avoid seeing outdated URLs during the regeneration process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Regenerate URL Rewrites

Using Magento 2 Admin Panel

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel
    • Navigate to your Magento 2 Admin Panel and log in using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to URL Rewrite Management
    • Go to Marketing > SEO & Search > URL Rewrites.
  3. Select URLs to Regenerate
    • Use the grid to filter and select the URLs you wish to regenerate. You can choose to regenerate URLs for products, categories, or CMS pages.
  4. Edit URL Rewrites
    • For each URL, click Edit and adjust the Request Path and Target Path as needed. Ensure that the paths are clear, descriptive, and SEO-friendly.
  5. Save Changes
    • Once you’ve made your changes, click Save to update the URL rewrite.

Using Command Line

For those who prefer using the command line, Magento 2 provides a CLI command to regenerate URL rewrites:

  1. Access Your Server
    • Connect to your server via SSH.
  2. Navigate to Magento Root Directory
    • Move to the root directory of your Magento installation.
  3. Run the Regeneration Command
    • Execute the following command to regenerate URL rewrites:bashCopy codephp bin/magento indexer:reindex url_rewrite

Using Third-Party Extensions

Several third-party extensions can simplify the URL rewrite regeneration process. These tools often offer additional features such as bulk URL rewrite generation, advanced filtering, and more.

  • SEO Suite Ultimate by Mageworx
  • URL Rewrite Generator by Amasty
  • Advanced URL Rewrites by Mirasvit

Automating URL Rewrite Regeneration

To ensure your URL rewrites are always up-to-date, consider automating the regeneration process using scheduled tasks (cron jobs). This approach helps maintain URL consistency without manual intervention.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Duplicate URLs

Duplicate URLs can occur if multiple URL rewrites point to the same target path. Resolve this by ensuring each URL rewrite is unique and corresponds to a different target.

Broken Links

If URLs are not regenerating correctly, they might result in broken links. Use tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to identify and fix broken links in your store.

URL Rewrite Conflicts

Conflicts can arise if multiple rewrites try to map to the same request path. Check your rewrite rules for conflicts and adjust them to prevent such issues.

Clearing Cache Issues

If changes are not reflecting immediately, clear your Magento cache and check your server configuration to ensure caching isn’t causing the problem.

Best Practices for Managing URL Rewrites

Regular Audits

Perform regular audits of your URL rewrites to ensure they are up-to-date and SEO-friendly. This practice helps identify any issues early and maintain URL health.

Use Descriptive URLs

Always use descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords. This approach improves both user experience and SEO performance.

Avoid Special Characters

Avoid using special characters in URLs. Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens to ensure compatibility across different browsers and devices.

Consistent Naming Conventions

Adopt consistent naming conventions for products and categories to simplify URL management and regeneration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is URL Rewrite in Magento 2?

URL rewrite is a feature in Magento 2 that allows store owners to customize the URLs for products, categories, and CMS pages to make them more user-friendly and SEO-optimized.

Why do I need to regenerate URL rewrites?

You need to regenerate URL rewrites to reflect changes in product or category names, after importing new data, or to fix broken links and improve SEO.

Can I automate the URL rewrite regeneration process?

Yes, you can automate the process by setting up cron jobs to periodically regenerate URL rewrites, ensuring they remain current without manual updates.

What are the common issues with URL rewrites?

Common issues include duplicate URLs, broken links, URL rewrite conflicts, and caching problems that prevent changes from being reflected immediately.

Is there a tool to manage URL rewrites easily?

Yes, several third-party extensions like SEO Suite Ultimate by Mageworx, URL Rewrite Generator by Amasty, and Advanced URL Rewrites by Mirasvit can help manage URL rewrites efficiently.


Maintaining a clean and organized URL structure is vital for the success of your Magento 2 store. Through this comprehensive tutorial on Magento 2 URL Rewrite Regenerate, you now have the knowledge and tools to effectively manage and regenerate URL rewrites, enhancing both your store’s SEO and user experience. Remember, regular audits, descriptive URLs, and automation can go a long way in keeping your URL structure optimized. For the best results, consider incorporating extensions that streamline the process and provide additional functionality.

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