Ah, love is in the air. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the flowers are blooming… But wait! You have to propose! Proposals are nerve-wracking, and planning one is difficult. If you want some creative ideas that will take your proposal over the top and guarantee an ‘I do’, continue reading.
Underwater Proposal
If your partner loves the ocean, or ocean animals, then the aquarium is the perfect place to surprise them. Get in contact with the diving team beforehand and give them a waterproof sign that reads “will you marry me?”. Position yourself and your future fiancé in front of the glass and turn routine feeding time into a romantic moment.
Love Scavenger Hunt
If your loved one runs errands daily, they won’t notice that you send them on a few extra runs around the city. Keep them out of the house long enough to decorate and set up a beautiful proposal area at home.
Glow-in-The-Dark Romance
Gather a bunch of glow-in-the-dark star stickers, or heart ones if you can find them, and stick them onto the ceiling while your loved one is away. Before they enter the room for the night, place the stickers to spell out your proposal above the bed.
Surprise Dinner Cake
A restaurant proposal may not seem creative, but it will be when you surprise your loved one at the end of the meal with a cake decorated with your proposal. If you do it on their birthday it will be an extra surprise since they’d only be expecting a birthday cake.
Engrave a Spoon
If you’ve fallen for a coffee or tea lover, then the morning cup of whatever their preferred drink is could be your time to shine. Engrave a spoon with a ring and the words ‘will you marry me?’ and watch their face light up as they take their first sip.
Love Note Proposal
Take it back to the times you were a kid with a handwritten note. You can make it as long and elaborately romantic as you want, or short and sweet with a classic ‘will you marry me?’ and two check boxes for ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Bridge of Umbrellas
Have a bunch of friends and family, or super nice strangers, hold colorful umbrellas each embellished with letters spelling out your proposal on a bridge. Your loved one will be smiling from ear to ear!
Matryoshka Dolls
Use Russian nesting dolls as inspiration and give them a gift that never ends. Place the ring in a box that’s surrounded by a bigger box surrounding by a bigger box and a bigger box and so on until you have a reasonably-sized box to hand to your future spouse.
Winter Proposal
On a cold winter night, when the windows are frosty and the air is chilly, sneak outside and use your finger to write your question on the glass. When they wake up in the morning, a quick peek out of the window will bring music to the house and smiles all around.
Use these ideas to your liking, and feel free to personalize them to fit your relationship’s individuality. Make your loved one’s engagement as memorable as possible, and for engagement rings london has truly one-of-a-kind rings for your one-of-a-kind partner.