Hi! I am Mike, I am a 42-year-old single father of a five-year-old girl. I have had some terrible experiences in dating and decided to write this post.
So first, and foremost, I want to share something I posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago.

Society has forgotten what the phases of relationships are.
It used to be the “Talking Stage” (seeing if this is someone you want to meet)
Dating (Exclusive Stage meaning you went on a 1st date with them and wanted to explore more with them, Move In Together, Get Engaged, Get Married.
The problem is now dating has changed to “Talking & Dating” is the same step and it’s now considered a “commitment” to only go on dates with one person.
No, that’s called respect for the person’s time so you are both not wasting your time. Commitment is when you sign a lease to live together, being exclusive with someone, is not a commitment its respect.
We as a society have lost track of meaning of words and think that people owe us things sort of an entitlement.
So, here’s to taking chances, being true to ourselves, and maybe just maybe getting back to normalcy in 2025.
They say be the change you want to see well I am being the change I want to see. 
Comment what you think let me know your experiences, if this works out I will write more parts of this topic.