Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a common male sexual problem that can negatively affect a man’s self-esteem and quality of life.
A lot of men turn to pills and supplements to regain their sexual functioning, but this may prove to be futile if your ED is a result of weak pelvic floor muscles. After all, these pills usually work by either enhancing blood flow to the penis or by correcting hormonal imbalances.
On the other hand, pelvic floor exercises, such as the very popular Kegels, work by toning the group of muscles responsible for erections and ejaculation. Kegels may also improve circulation to the pelvic area, and this can also contribute to better erections and stronger orgasms. Additionally, unlike medication and supplements, Kegel exercises are completely side-effect free.
In case you want to learn more about how Kegels can help you with erectile problems, keep reading.
About Kegel exercises for men
Kegel exercises, also known simply as Kegel’s, are types of pelvic floor muscle training exercises. They were created by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940’s as a way of helping women regain bladder control after giving birth. The exercise, which involves squeezing and releasing pelvic floor muscles, was found to be effective in preventing incontinence.
However, studies later found additional benefits from Kegels, including preventing pelvic prolapse and sexual dysfunction in women. Although less research, these exercises were found to be helpful for men as well. A review published in the journal Urology states that pelvic floor training may prove to be helpful in treating urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and most importantly, erectile dysfunction and similar disorders.
Erectile dysfunction facts
Erectile dysfunction is believed to have a prevalence of around 52% according to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education.
As men age, they’re more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction which is defined by an inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for successful intercourse. There are many different causes of erectile dysfunction with the most common being cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, alcoholism, obesity, pelvic surgery, and others.
Treating erectile dysfunction (ED) depends largely on the causes and not all men with ED will benefit from doing Kegels. Those that will benefit from doing Kegel exercises are sedentary men, men who underwent prostate surgery, and men with depression. In addition to this, men with premature ejaculation were also found to show improvements after practicing Kegels.
Who will benefit from practicing Kegel’s?
Men with an enlarged prostate or those treated for prostate cancer often experience ED. Men diagnosed with prostate cancer may need to undergo complete prostate removal surgery. Unfortunately, a common side effect of this procedure is ED and urinary incontinence.
While some men regain control over their bladder and erections following prostate removal, a smaller proportion of men don’t recover completely. This is because the nerves responsible for erections are attached to the prostate, and their removal often leads to ED and other problems.
However, in many cases, doctors will try to spare this important nerves during prostate removal to help men retain sexual functioning. These men are often advised to perform Kegels to recover after prostate surgery and findings show that something as simple as pelvic floor training truly helps men recover.
Other benefits of Kegel exercises for men
But Kegel’s isn’t just for treating erectile dysfunction. The exercise is good for anyone wanting to improve their sex life. Even relatively healthy men can practice Kegels, and this is bound to enhance their erection quality and orgasm intensity as far as research is concerned.
A study that was published last year in Sexual Medicine Reviews found that pelvic floor exercises treated erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but also that it enhanced orgasm intensity. The reason for this being that pelvic floor exercises tone the group of muscles playing a key role in ejaculation.
The spontaneous contractions during an orgasm are improved after pelvic floor training, and this inevitably leads to better sensation better than any best male enhancement pills could ever do. But pelvic floor training can also be helpful for men with premature ejaculation because it teaches men how to control their ejaculatory response by manipulating the pelvic group of muscles.
How to do Kegels?
Both men and women perform Kegels in the same way. This is because the pelvic floor muscles are similar in men and women with only minor differences. To perfume Kegel exercise for men, you first need to locate the group of muscles exercised during a typical Kegels. The muscles we are referring to here are called pelvic floor muscles, and unlike other muscles in your body, they are hidden from view.
The pelvic floor muscles are two muscles shaped together like a trampoline at the bottom of your pelvis. To locate them, stop your urine flow mid-stream. Also, squeeze the same group of muscles used when you want to prevent passing gas. Now that you’ve located the pelvic floor muscles, you can start doing Kegels. Simply contract your pelvic floor muscles between 5 and 20 seconds and release them.
Repeat exercise several times in a row. You can do Kegel’s during any other activity or when relaxing. You can practice the exercise as many times a day as you like, and after a couple of months of regular exercising, you should begin noticing improvements.
If you are someone struggling with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or the side effects of prostate surgery, then we strongly recommend trying out Kegel’s. Although traditionally designed for women, Kegel exercises are now known to benefit both sexes equally.
This is because the pelvic floor has similar functions in men and women, and that is in bladder control, bowel control, and sexual functioning. Men who want a safe alternative to enhancement pills like Testomenix and other popular names, may benefit from regular Kegel’s practice.
This is because, unlike these treatments, practicing Kegel’s is free of any side effects and is completely safe.
Kegal exercises are good but they dont provide a short term solution to ED. Why, You think a lady will wait 6 months before you erection is restored. Guys need an instant solution