Behavioral malpractice of the driver can cause accidents, such as driving while intoxicated (DWI), and if you are charged with this case, then Law Offices of William Proetta Criminal Law are responsible for committing an accurate and the best DWI attorney that Middlesex County is longing for to win the case. Thus, offenses in DWI cases have different offenses depending on the extent of the damage you or someone caused.
Understanding the first offense of DWI, it is important to know the second offense to the third offense of what would be the indictment of the charge. Listing the legal consequences of a first offense of DWI:


The fine for the first offense of DWI ranges from $250 to $400, and not just that, but there are some other administrative costs depending on the injuries or damage to property.

License-Related Penalties

It is expected that your license will be suspended since you violate the law and cause damage to others or property as you are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, but then you are driving. The period of suspension of the license is usually three months or more. If your BAC is 0.15% or higher, you will be suspended for an additional 4-6 months.

Education and Rehabilitation Requirements

You will also have to enroll in a rehabilitation center, wherein you must attend a class at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for 12-48 hours for two consecutive sessions within a 6-hour session. Then, IDRC will be the one to assess your wellbeing and behavior to know that you are being treated because other people were addicted to alcohol or drugs; therefore, they should be sure if your sanity is good without the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Jail Time

If the extent of the damage or injury is worse, jail time will be your first charge, and you can face up to 30 days of incarceration.

Other Penalties

When you are charged for a first offense, you will have penalties in insurance premiums that other benefits would not be applicable to you as you have been convicted. Then, they will install an ignition interlock device wherein it will be activated when the car detects your intoxication with alcohol, preventing the car from starting.

Other Considerations

When the BAC was 10% higher, the surcharge would be posted as $1,000 per year for three years.The penalties would increase and more charges would be brought when it came to narcotics. Being under the influence of narcotics is not a laughing matter, as it renders you incapable of making rational decisions.

In summary

Knowing these consequences and the need of finding a qualified attorney to defend you might significantly affect how your case turns out. DWI attorneys can question evidence, bargain with prosecutors, and use creative defenses to minimize or dismiss charges. Engaging a qualified attorney early in the process is critical for understanding the complexities of DWI charges and achieving the best possible outcome. With this, it would eradicate the ignorance of the driver who wants to drink alcohol while driving, as it would be a reminder to them that it is bad to be intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.

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