Acting is an art in which intonation, gesture and movement is used to portray a fictional character for television, theatre or motion movies. Acting requires a wide range of skills such as a developed imagination, articulacy, vocal projection, physical expressivity, emotional facility and the ability to understand drama.A person should have the ability to employ accents, emulation, observation, improvisation and dialects in order to become an actor. The job of an actor is often intangible and ambiguous because they use different methods for approaching a specific role. These methods act as a tool for the actors to articulate the mechanics of acting.
One unique acting method that can be used by actors nowadays is the “Acting Science Method”, pioneered bythe very talented casting director, Faith Hibbs-Clark.Faith Hibbs-Clark was born on 8th December, 1969 in England and is a United States based casting director of film and television, a body language expert and an acting coach. She is the founder of “The Acting Science Method”, which is entirely based on the scientific principles related to the communication, psychology and behavior of humans.Acting Science isdifferent fromother acting methods.In this method each action of the actor depends on how the human brain communicates, connects and neural couples with the person who will be judging the performance. As different ingredients and recipes are used to create a perfect dish, Faith Hibbs-Clark brought together different acting formulas and a combination of scientific tenetsto create a method that would help an actorcreatesoulful performances and accomplish key psychologicaland emotional outcomes. The expressive performancewill leave a positive impact on the mind of the receiver, leading to more audition bookings and better audience reviews.
Faith Hibbs-Clark studied psychology and communication from the Arizona State University. In the mid-1990s, after completing her degree, she started working as a body language deception detection expert. In 1999, Faith Hibbs-Clark started working as a casting director and later laid the foundation of her own casting company Good Faith Casting. She has been in the casting directors’ chair for many films and has worked on various television projects for studios such as Lionsgate, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Disney, Sony and the Weinstein Company.Faith Hibbs-Clark has attended many conferences and participated in various workshops across United States. In 2022, she spoke at the Southwest Actors Conference & Expo, which was a conference for professional actors in the Southwest region of the United States, andspoke about the transformative power of Acting Science.She has worked for a number of movies includingJarhead, The Savages, The Whistler, Piranha, Take Me Home Tonight, Sur La Route, Justice Served, Santa Fake andDaddy Daughter Trip.
Faith Hibbs-Clark revolutionized the acting industry by introducing the “Acting Science Method”. The method is praised for its learnability and effectiveness and can be used by actors of different levels, whether they are starting their acting career or are in their prime such as Emma Stone. This method gives the actor the freedom to communicate the story through different emotions and actions, creating a unique experience for both the actor and the viewers.