If you haven’t caught up on season 3 of The Flash, spoilers are headed your way. Come back here at a later date!
Season 3 of The Flash left us with without our hero. Now that Barry is gone, we’re left with way more questions than answers and can only speculate on the future of the hit show. So what questions are we stuck with going into season 4?
Wally or Cisco: When Barry took his place inside the Speed Force he left a giant void in Central City. Who will be the hero and save the city? Obvious signs point to Wally taking over the mantle much like he does in the comics. Will he now don the red tights and Central City’s new Scarlet Speedster or Stick to his yellow and red? Also, what if he’s not ready? Was Barry’s speech to Cisco his blessing to be the one to step up now that he’s gone? How will it affect the team going forward and will there be a power struggle?
Caitlin/Killer Frost: Team Flash was left with another void to fill. Caitlin Snow seems to have accepted her role as a metahuman but dismissed her Killer Frost persona. She walked away from the team to find herself. Will she be gone most of the season only to return in time of crisis? Will the villainess side return to form? If the city is in peril, can she atone for her mistakes and return to help fight the good fight?
Devoe/the Thinker: Little is known about the character without reading the comics. The Thinker is a new spin on villains for the hit show. Season 4 confirmed The Thinker as the main villain and it will mark the first time Team Flash won’t face a speedster. What will be his motives? Who will play the role?
Barry Allen: When Barry followed the manifestation of his mother into the Speed Force it was the ultimate cliffhanger. The show won’t be the same without Grant Gustin at the helm, but will he be there in a diminished role? Will he appear via the Speed Force to help Wally recognize his true potential? Will he find a way to be pulled back out and take back over as captain of Team Flash? Or is he really gone for good?
Harrison Wells: Executive producers must know fans love Tom Cavanagh. From the Reverse Flash to Earth 2 Wells, to HR sacrificing himself to save Iris each season his character exited. Each season they’ve found a way to bring him back. At the finale, Barry asks Earth 2 Harrison to stick around and help the team? Will he be Wally’s mentor or push Tracy Brand in figuring how to get Barry back? If he’s back, how long before Jesse is back as well? Team Flash will have a whole new dynamic for sure.
The Wests: All season 3 Joe thought he would be losing Iris. By the end, he still lost but not the kid he’d thought. How will losing Barry affect Joe and Iris? Will they be on the side of Wally being a hero or do everything in their power to stop him from the same fate? Will they struggle to live a normal life or honor Barry striving to carry out his mission? How will this loss wedge itself between relationships going forward?
Season 4 will mark some of the biggest changes to The Flash since the show started. Will the changes be for the greater good or will the show temporarily slip like it’s predecessor Arrow? Fresh takes are never a bad thing, however, plenty has been left on the table with no hint at the direction to the show’s fans. By the end of season two fans were excited at speculation for Flashpoint but this season there’s no clues. Can season 4 come out swinging and sway fans from jumping ship?