When you get divorced and you have children, you will likely need to file legal paperwork regarding the custody of the children. Child custody attorneys in Houston can help you litigate your custody battle in court or help you settle your custody dispute through mediation. Mediation for child custody may be required by your Texas court, or it can be a voluntary process.

Four Advantages of Settling a Child Custody Case Out of Court

1. Less Stress for the Child

Child custody battles tend to be stressful for all parties, particularly children. Depending on the age of the child and their knowledge of how contentious the custody battle is, some children may experience anxiety, anger, and poor performance or behavior at school. Since mediation for child custody is collaborative and typically has the goal of outlining a joint custody agreement, this resolution can be more beneficial for the child.
Additionally, mediation can be less stressful for parents, too. When both parents enter a mediation meeting with an open mind and their child’s best interests at the forefront, it’s a much more peaceful way to resolve a custody dispute. When parents do not have excessive conflict over child custody arrangements, this can also make it easier for the child to maintain a good relationship with each parent.

2. More Control Over Custody Outcome

If your child custody battle goes to court, you will have very little control over the custody arrangement. This is because a judge will be the one deciding which parent can provide the most financial and emotional stability for the child. However, since a judge only works with objective facts and does not know the individual circumstances of your family, letting a judge decide your custody resolution may not be a good option.

3. Better Custody Schedules

When you can settle your child custody dispute through mediation, you will be able to customize the custody schedule to work with the calendar for yourself and the other parent. Parents who collaborate to create a custody schedule have a better chance of getting equal time with their children, including during holidays and school breaks. Collaboration between parents to create a custody schedule can result in a schedule that lasts until the child is 18 years old.
Additionally, because both parents have been involved in drafting the custody schedule, it’s more likely that each parent will respect the schedule. Since each parent is satisfied by the joint effort to create a fair schedule, parents are typically more willing to follow the agreed parenting plan. A better custody schedule can reduce custody conflicts in the future and even maintain a healthy relationship between the parents.

3.Preparing to Discuss Your Custody Schedule

To save time and reduce conflicts, each parent should draft a tentative custody or possession schedule before mediation begins. By having a schedule in mind, you and the other parent will be able to compare preferred schedules more easily. Your possession schedule draft should focus on your custody preferences, while also keeping the best interests of your child in mind.

4. Save Significant Money

Litigating your child custody arrangement in court can be expensive. However, with mediation, you can finalize your custody arrangement at a fraction of the price. For mediation, you will typically need to pay for the cost of the mediator during your discussion hours and the cost of your lawyer. Each parent will need to pay the mediator. Your lawyer is paid for helping you prepare for each meeting and for sitting with you as an advisor during mediation.

How Fast Can Child Custody Attorneys in Houston Resolve Your Case?

The resolution of your child custody case can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. If you have an uncontested case because the other parent doesn’t want custody, your custody agreement can be awarded in two or three months; if you have a contested case because the other parent wants to share custody, a judge may finalize your case after one or two years.
If you want to settle your custody case through mediation, you will likely be able to finalize a custody schedule in a matter of weeks or months. A lawyer can help you shorten your custody case by helping you draft a custody schedule or prepare for court with plenty of evidence for why you should have custody of your child. Visit this page to learn more about how a child custody lawyer can assist you.
Child custody litigation can take a couple of years to resolve, but mediation can be finalized in a few months. When parents are willing to collaborate about child custody schedules, all parties can benefit, particularly children. Additionally, mediation can save money since it does not involve court fees, filing fees, or other expenses. A lawyer can guide you through the mediation process so you can resolve your custody battle quickly.

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