Gold exists in many tradable forms in the financial markets. Usually, the main reason for such diversity is to providing an investment option for all categories of investors. 

Physical gold has a variety of uses, ranging from making jewelry to facilitating transactions, and it is the most traded form of gold in the markets. Many investors struggle to understand the varieties of gold bars available in the market despite of their popularity.

The investment markets do not provide adequate information on gold bars. However, this article will give you detailed market insights on the various categories of gold bars and how they are valued in the investment markets. 

Minted Gold Bars

Minting refers to the manufacture of currencies, both coins and notes. Minted gold bars are almost similar to minted currencies, in that they are widely acceptable in the investment markets. In the past, minting gold bars was done by compressing cast gold through an engraved machine, which left imprint markings on the compressed gold bar. Simultaneously, the compressing machine reshaped and resized the cast gold bars. The minted gold bars were then cleaned and polished to get rid of any unnecessary markings.

Modern gold bars minting methods employs completely different processes. First, a long strip of uniform cross-section is made by melting recycled and cast gold. Afterwards, the long strip is cut into smaller bars of similar weight and shape. The aesthetic touches are done on the minted bars, leaving them polished and cleaned. 

Some of the aesthetic touches done on the minted bars are engravings that depict important details, such as the date of mintage, weight, purity, and place of mintage.

Cast Gold Bars

Casting gold is the production of various shapes of gold bars using moulds of different shapes and sizes. To make cast bars, the gold is melted in a furnace and afterwards a poured into a mould. The melted gold is then allowed to cool and solidify. 

The solid gold is then polished and cleaned to remove physical imperfections. The purity of the gold used in the manufacture of the cast bars is low compared to that of a minted bars, which makes minted gold bars more valuable than the cast gold bars.

Combi Bars

Combi bars are a modern version of the minted gold bars, and they differ from minted gold bars due to their low weight. However, the combi gold bars are less bulky, making the carriage and storage of combi gold bars as easy and convenient as having an ATM card in your pocket.

Although combi bars have not been in the market for long, combi bars are gaining popularity among light investors as the cheapest way of investing in gold.

How are Minted, Cast, and Combi Gold Bars Valued in the Investment Markets?

When you intend to sell gold bars in Rochester MI, you need to have a good understanding of how the valuation of any of the categories of gold bars is done.

Minted gold bars are highly valued in the market due to their complex manufacturing process as well as their symmetrical shape, weight and size. Additionally, the purity of minted gold bars is very high. The special engravings also add on to the intrinsic value of the minted gold bars. 

Cast gold bars are valued depending on the amount of gold in them, and they are priced according to the market prices of gold. Therefore, the initial cost of buying the cast gold bars is lower than the cost of buying minted bars, which makes cast bars more attractive to new gold investors than minted bars.

Combi gold bars are more common to the lighter investors who want to trade gold but do not have a large budget at their disposal. Trading combi gold bars has similar process as trading cast and minted gold bars.


Availability of different gold bars categories makes it possible for any investor to come in regardless of their accounts’ levels. Therefore, you should assess your investment needs before committing their resources. 

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