Pennsylvania is rich in American history, with iconic landmarks like Independence Hall and the Allentown Art Museum. From bustling cities to small towns, there are plenty of places to walk in Pennsylvania.
Walking is one of the most basic and natural types of exercise. It is good for health and works as a stress buster. At the same time, it is equally important to remember that, as pedestrians, you are the most vulnerable party on the road. A moment of distraction or lack of attention can turn a simple walk into a dangerous situation.
If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, you should act quickly. Seeking the help of experienced Pennsylvania pedestrian accident attorneys will make sure you receive fair compensation for all the losses and damages you have sustained.
Legal help aside, it is wise to avoid accidents in the first place. Here are some tips that can ensure your safety as a pedestrian.
Always Be Alert
The best way to avoid an accident with pedestrians is to stay alert. This means you should have your eyes and ears open while walking. Avoid all types of distractions, such as texting or listening to music at a very high volume, or anything that deflects your attention.
Use Crosswalks and Follow Signals
Crosswalks are there for a reason—they provide a location that is safe for pedestrians to cross a street. Always use crosswalks whenever they are available. When crossing, make sure to follow traffic signals and look both ways, even if the signal indicates it’s safe to cross.
It’s a good habit to make eye contact with drivers before stepping onto the road to make sure they see you.
Be Visible
Visibility is key for pedestrian safety, especially in poor light. It’s best to wear bright or reflective clothing, especially when walking at night.
It also helps to carry a flashlight or turn on the light from your phone to enable drivers to see you better. The more visible you are, the less likely you will be hit by a car.
Avoid jaywalking
Jaywalking is not only against the law in many places but also very dangerous. In doing this, you increase the risk of car accidents since drivers will not expect pedestrians anywhere other than marked crosswalks.
Always take extra time to walk to the nearest crosswalk, even if it means going out of your way. Your safety is worth it.
Don’t Assume Drivers See You
Even if you have the right of way, never assume that a driver sees you. They may be talking or texting on their phone, speeding, or just not paying attention.
Always wait until you’re sure the driver is stopping or slowing down before you cross the street. If in doubt, it’s best to wait a few extra seconds rather than step into the path of an oncoming vehicle.
Walk Defensively
Just as drivers are taught to drive defensively, pedestrians should walk defensively. This can be done by
- Being aware of your surroundings
- Watching out for potential dangers
- Being prepared to take action if necessary
For example, while walking beside a parked car, expect suddenly opening doors.
Teach Children About Pedestrian Safety
Children are easy victims of pedestrian accidents due to the fact that they do not realize the hazards associated with crossing a street. Begin early in life when teaching children about pedestrian safety. Demonstrate how to use crosswalks, signals, and to be alert. Encourage them to practice safe walking habits so they can develop these skills for life.
Walking is a healthy and eco-friendly mode of transportation, but it’s also important to know the risks involved. By following these helpful tips, you can drastically reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a pedestrian accident.