Building a relationship from scratch requires a lot of perseverance. Ryanne Alecia is a social media content creator who has invested her time, energy, and patience into creating a sustainable bond with her husband and children. She considers this her most significant achievement and always stands tall to protect them. Right from her childhood, Ryanne has seen a lot of ups and downs in her life, but her family’s constant support has always kept her going. Hence, she understands the value of family and its importance in a child’s life better than anyone else.

Motherhood came at a time when Ryanne Alecia least expected it, she was single and still in college.  Becoming a parent before you’re 100% ready winds up being a setback for many people but Ryanne Alecia embraced it.  She was ready to do whatever needed to be done even if she had to do it alone.  To Ryanne’s surprise, she wasn’t alone for very long, when she was 5 months pregnant she met a man and they hit it off right away.

Ryanne’s story is unusual and while the truth almost sounds like a fairytale, people tend to assume cheating was involved because she was already pregnant when she met her husband. Although Ryanne does not care much about what people say, she also refuses to entertain any unnecessary questions and negative remarks about her married life and children. She considers it very offensive to intervene in anyone’s personal matters,  giving them unwanted advice.

Over the years people have made mean comments and asked inappropriate questions about why one of Ryanne’s children has a different father than the others. However, Ryanne has been very open about her child’s relationship with her biological father, and the fact that they co-parent their daughter. No matter how she feels, she believes that saying anything negative about him will shame her daughter as she is half him, which is an undeniable reality.

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Ryanne believes that having multiple parents that love and protect you is not a negative thing or a dirty, forbidden topic. Her being vocal about this topic makes many people uncomfortable for no apparent reason, which she hardly cares about. Ryanne has an ideal way of dealing with unusual circumstances; through her content, where she also helps others facing parenting dilemmas and other relevant topics. She understands that even though it is hard to be in a situation where nothing seems to be in control, a little maturity and self-control can help pave the way towards a happier future. Your children learn most things from you; better teach them kindness and acceptability.



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