Do you know unclean towels can sometimes lead to skin infections and disorders? Yes, you read that right! The bacteria on towels which you use to wipe your face, hands, or body can cause a lot of harm to your skin. So it doesn’t matter if they look clean or if you are too tired for some extra laundry. You must wash your towels regularly.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty details and find out why it’s crucial to keep your towels clean! This article also dives deep into the bacteria that love to call them home. Keep reading. Some vital information is coming your way!

What Causes Bacteria to Grow in Dirty Towels?

Consider this: you get out of the shower, take a towel, and begin drying off. But did you know that when you use a towel, you do more than merely wipe off the water? You also unintentionally spread bacteria from your body onto the cloth.

When a towel is moist after usage, it offers an ideal environment for germs to proliferate. Warm and damp conditions are like a five-star luxury resort for these little troublemakers. And before you know it, your seemingly innocuous towel becomes a breeding ground for germs.

According to Dr Charles Gerba, a scientist at the University of Arizona, around 14% of washroom towels contain E.coli germs. These bacteria are found in humans’ digestive tracts and are spread through excrement. These germs multiply when a towel is not cleaned for several days. If the towel is not thoroughly dried, germs will grow in it, owing to wetness.

Is there a way to tackle this bacterial invasion? Well, fret not! Enter anti-microbial towels. These innovative towels are designed to combat the growth of bacteria and microbes effectively. They ensure that your towel stays cleaner for longer.

Is it Worsened by Using Dirty Towels if You Already Have an Infection?

Sorry to break it to you, but using filthy towels when you already have a skin problem will aggravate the situation. Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments, and an infected towel offers the ideal habitat for them to reproduce quickly.

A soiled towel on an affected region transmits the bacteria back onto your skin. This might result in the illness spreading or worsening. As a result, it’s critical to keep your towels clean and sanitised, especially if you have skin problems.

Is it Harmful to Use the Same Towel on Your Body and Face?

Using the same towel for your body and face may seem handy. But it is not the most incredible option for the health of your skin. Compared to the rest of your body, the skin of your face is more fragile and sensitive.

As a result, when you use a towel that has come into touch with other parts of your body, you risk spreading germs, oils, and other contaminants to your face. It’s best to use a separate towel only for your face to keep it happy and healthy. This reduces the possibility of cross-contamination while also improving general skin hygiene.

Does the Material Used in Towel Have an Effect?

The material of your towel can impact your skin’s health. Some materials are more prone to trapping bacteria and moisture, while others are more breathable and quick-drying. For instance, towels made from bamboo or microfiber are known for their absorbency and quick-drying properties.

On the other hand, towels made from synthetic materials like polyester might not be as effective at wicking away moisture, potentially leading to bacterial growth. GSM, or grammes per square metre, is a measurement of the thickness and density of a towel. It is GSM in towels which decides about their absorbent quality. If GSM is higher, you get friendlier soft towels on your skin.

It is best to use the innovatively designed towels by Copper Clothing. They are incredibly gentle on your skin, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

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What Should You Do Without a Towel?

Uh-oh! What if you find yourself without a towel? Don’t be alarmed! You have several options to consider:

  • Air Dry: If you have some time to spare, let nature do its job and let your body dry naturally. It may take longer, but it is a perfectly healthy alternative.
  • Paper Towels: In a pinch, paper towels can be used as a temporary alternative. To avoid inflammation, simply pat your skin lightly.
  • Hairdryer: You can use a hair dryer in a cold setting to dry your body. Remember to keep a safe distance to avoid burns.

Recognising the possible threats posed by bacteria on towels to your skin health is critical. Using dirty towels can transfer dangerous germs and fungus onto your skin. This can lead to a variety of skin diseases. It is always best to use anti-microbial and soft towels to reduce these hazards.

So, let us prioritise cleanliness by investing in soft towels that protect your skin from various skin illnesses.

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Author Bio: 

Rory is the R&D Director and passionate entrepreneur, fascinated by the workings of the human body and natural solutions for common health problems. He’s single-minded in his aim to make Copper Defence a brand that’s recognized across the globe, by partnering with global brands to make these high-tech materials easily accessible for everyone. If you’d like to get in touch, email Rory at or visit for copper-infused clothing, pet accessories and more.

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