Employee Engagement

Employees who are engaged in their work are more productive, more innovative, and have a better overall attitude toward the company. They’re also more likely to stay with the organization – which means less turnover, which means less time spent on training and recruiting new hires.

When a company has an engaged workforce, it’s a win-win for everyone involved. The employees feel valued and appreciated; they feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves; they feel like what they do matters.

And that’s exactly what every company should strive for – an engaged workforce that feels like their contributions matter.

In an increasingly digital world, video has become the most effective and engaging way to communicate a message. A video can convey emotion like nothing else, which is why companies are using it as a tool to increase workplace engagement.

Here are some tips for incorporating video into your workplace:

1. Create videos that showcase company culture.

Employees want to feel proud of where they work — but not everyone understands what makes the company different from other places out there. Create videos that highlight aspects of your culture, such as benefits or perks, office environment, and more! These short clips will allow employees who aren’t familiar with their workplace to experience it through another person’s eyes (yours).

Employees want their workplace culture to reflect their values and interests. Sharing videos that show what goes on behind the scenes at your company can help employees feel more connected with their work environment.

2. Display your employees’ accomplishments.

It’s easy to get complacent about your business. Employees get used to doing the same things over and over, and it can be challenging to come up with creative ideas for marketing or sales.

However, if you want to keep growing and expanding, you need to keep your employees interested in what you’re doing. One way to do this is by encouraging them to share motivational videos of their accomplishments.

It’s imperative that these videos have a purpose. If they don’t, they’ll just make your employees feel like they’re being used as props in your marketing efforts. Instead, you should use these videos as a way for employees to show off what they’ve achieved personally. You’ll find that this will encourage them to work harder while also helping other people see how talented they are at their jobs.

3. Use video to train new employees.

One of the most significant things that any company can do is to train its employees. Training helps employees understand what is expected of them and how they can improve their performance. It also helps them feel more confident about their jobs, and this confidence translates into better performance.

Training videos are a convenient way to reach employees who aren’t always in the office. They’re also a practical way to provide training when there isn’t enough time available for in-person training sessions. A video can be viewed at any time, giving it much more flexibility than an in-person session.

If your company has been relying on slideshows or PowerPoint presentations to train employees, it’s time to move on to something more engaging.

4. Make your recruiting process more human.

With video interviews, you can make the process more human and less intimidating. This is because candidates record their answers instead of speaking them out loud in front of someone else. It also gives you an opportunity to see how candidates act in different situations and environments, which helps give you a more holistic view of their personalities.

What’s more, it allows you to see how they present themselves through their body language and facial expressions. This is something that can be difficult to read via phone or Skype calls alone.

5. Introductory video about the company or team

This is a very effective way to introduce the company and its values to new employees. You could also use an introduction video  for your department or team if you have multiple offices across the world. This could include multiple different teams working in the same office space.

A short welcome video from your CEO or another senior executive can go a long way toward helping new employees feel at home in their newly-assigned role.

A tour of your office building or workspace is another idea worth considering, especially if it’s an open floor plan where people work alongside each other rather than in cubicles or offices.

6. Use video in performance reviews and evaluations.

Many companies are now using video interviews as part of their performance review process, which allows managers and employees to have more meaningful conversations about their performance at work without having to travel across town to meet face-to-face.

When you think about it, video is an ideal medium for performance evaluations and reviews. It’s more accurate than text messages or emails, and it’s less threatening than face-to-face meetings.

It is easier to communicate difficult messages through video, and employees have a chance to respond. It also makes it easier for your employees to see how they’re doing compared with other people in the company — so they can set goals and learn from their peers.

Why Should Companies Increase Workplace Engagement?

The workplace is changing rapidly. Workers are more mobile; they have more choices and they want to be involved in the decisions that affect them.

Employees who are highly engaged perform better than those who aren’t because they care about what they’re doing, which means they’ll take more pride in their work and strive for excellence. They also feel empowered to do their best because they feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves — the organization’s mission. This will lead them to want to do great things, which will ultimately benefit your company’s bottom line because it will mean more sales or profits.

Using videos as a key tool for companies to increase workplace engagement and productivity by helping them foster relationships between co-workers, improving communication, and encouraging collaboration — all at a low cost. Just make sure to use video editing software and the tips in this article to help you create an effective video to enhance workplace engagement.

Companies that understand the importance of workplace engagement and create a culture that engages their employees will be the most successful.

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