Invisible text, also known as blank text, is a creative way to send messages that appear empty or hidden. While invisible text is often used for fun or pranks, there may be instances when you receive such messages and wonder how to read them. Invisible font based text usually consists of special characters that are recognized by messaging apps but aren’t displayed on the screen.

In this guide, we will explore what invisible text is, how it works, and the different methods you can use to read or interpret it. Whether you’ve received an invisible message on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or another platform, this guide will help you understand how to reveal or decipher such text.

What is Invisible Text?

Invisible text refers to a message that contains special characters that aren’t visible to the naked eye. These characters, such as non-breaking spaces or zero-width characters, are still processed by messaging apps as valid text, but they don’t appear on the screen.

Invisible text can be used in different scenarios, such as:

  • Pranking or surprising friends by sending empty messages.
  • Adding a mysterious or suspenseful element to a conversation.
  • Communicating in a unique way without visible text.

While invisible text is fun to send, it can be confusing if you’re the recipient and don’t know how to read it. Fortunately, there are methods you can use to reveal what’s behind these seemingly blank messages.

Why Would Someone Send Invisible Text?

There are various reasons why someone might send invisible text. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Playful interactions: Invisible text can be used to add a playful or humorous element to a conversation. For example, friends may send blank messages to confuse each other.
  • Creating suspense: Sending a blank message before revealing important information can build suspense and keep the recipient guessing.
  • Testing features: Some users like to test the limits of messaging platforms by experimenting with invisible characters to see how the app handles them.

While these are fun uses of invisible text, it’s important to know how to read such messages, especially if you suspect there’s more to the message than meets the eye.

How to Identify Invisible Text

Before you can read invisible text, it’s essential to know how to identify it. Typically, invisible text is created using certain characters that aren’t visible in the chat interface. Here’s how to identify whether a message contains invisible text:

  1. Blank message: If you receive a message that appears empty or blank, it could be an invisible text message.
  2. Multiple lines of blank space: Sometimes, users send multiple lines of invisible text to create the appearance of a longer blank message.
  3. No visible characters: If you don’t see any regular text, emojis, or media in the message, but you receive a notification for a new message, it could indicate that the message contains invisible text.

Once you suspect that a message is using invisible text, there are several methods you can try to read it.

Method 1: Copy and Paste the Invisible Text

One of the simplest ways to read invisible text is by copying and pasting the message into another app or text editor. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the messaging app where you received the invisible text (e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger).
  2. Tap and hold the blank message to select it.
  3. Copy the message to your clipboard.
  4. Open a text editor or a note-taking app, such as Google Keep or Apple Notes.
  5. Paste the invisible text into the text editor.

In many cases, the invisible characters will appear in the text editor, allowing you to see what was sent. However, since invisible text is often made up of special characters, the text you see may not be in a readable format.

Method 2: Check for Zero-Width Characters

Invisible text often consists of zero-width characters, which are characters that take up no space on the screen. These characters can include:

  • Zero-width space
  • Zero-width joiner
  • Zero-width non-joiner

To detect and interpret these characters, you can use online tools or websites that are specifically designed to reveal zero-width characters in a message. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Search for an online tool that reveals zero-width characters.
  2. Copy the invisible message you received.
  3. Paste the message into the tool’s input box.
  4. The tool will analyze the message and display any hidden zero-width characters.

This method is useful if the invisible message contains these special characters, as it will reveal what was sent in a readable format.

Method 3: View Source Code (For Web-Based Platforms)

If you receive an invisible message on a web-based platform like WhatsApp Web or Facebook Messenger, you can try inspecting the source code of the message. This method is more technical but can reveal hidden text that may not be visible in the chat interface. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the web-based messaging platform (e.g., WhatsApp Web, Facebook Messenger).
  2. Right-click on the message that appears blank.
  3. Select “Inspect” or “View Source” from the context menu.
  4. In the code that appears, look for any hidden characters or special symbols.

This method allows you to see the raw code behind the message and may reveal any hidden text that was sent using invisible characters.

Method 4: Use a Unicode Character Detector

Invisible text often consists of Unicode characters that are not visible on standard messaging apps. To detect these characters, you can use a Unicode character detector. Here’s how:

  1. Search for a Unicode character detector online.
  2. Copy the blank message from your messaging app.
  3. Paste the message into the detector’s input box.
  4. The tool will analyze the message and show any Unicode characters that were used.

This method is useful for detecting invisible text that relies on specific Unicode characters, such as non-breaking spaces or zero-width characters.

Can You Reveal All Types of Invisible Text?

Not all invisible text can be easily revealed, especially if the message consists entirely of non-visible Unicode characters. In some cases, the invisible characters may not contain any readable content. For example, a message made up of non-breaking spaces will remain empty even if revealed in a text editor or tool.

However, in most cases, the methods described above should help you uncover any hidden or invisible text sent to you.

Why Reading Invisible Text Can Be Fun

Reading invisible text is not only a useful skill, but it can also be a fun way to explore different messaging tricks. Whether you’re trying to decipher a playful prank or figure out why a friend sent you a blank message, revealing invisible text adds an element of mystery to your chats.

Additionally, if you’re interested in learning about how different characters and Unicode symbols work in messaging platforms, reading invisible text can be a way to test your knowledge and explore new features.


Invisible text may seem like a simple prank or trick, but it can be interesting to read and decipher. Whether you’ve received a blank message on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or another app, there are several methods you can use to reveal the hidden characters behind it.

From copying and pasting the message into a text editor to using online tools that detect zero-width characters, you can easily decode most invisible text messages. By understanding how these special characters work, you’ll be able to uncover the hidden content of any blank message.

Now that you know how to read invisible text, the next time you receive a mysterious blank message, you’ll be prepared to reveal its secrets!

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