Axe throwing is an exciting sporting activity, and it becomes the only hobby for many people, a kind of escape from the troubles and everyday life. With each training, your skills improve and your chance of hitting the bull’s-eye increases.

Throw axe is an amazingly spectacular sport. The heavy projectile flies measuredly and majestically at long distances (more than 20 meters). Rotating in the air, the axe makes a rhythmic whistling sound, and when it reaches the target, it shakes it with such a rumble that spectators involuntarily squeeze their eyes shut.

The excitement covers the thrower completely, and the guest who accompany him at the event have something to look at. Perhaps there is nothing more interesting to watch as a heavy military tool makes turns in the air, eventually penetrating the wooden target with a sharp blade. Splinters fly, and emotions just rage! But in every active sport or hobby, there are safety precautions you must follow.

Age and other safety precautions

People who have not encountered this kind of hobby have probably tried throwing a knife into a tree more than once, for example, on a walk in the woods. If you manage to hit the tip directly into the target, there is genuine excitement. But with this activity, your desire to win doubles. At the same time, it is important to remember about safety, for example, to exclude ax throwing for kids who are not suitable for their age, and to read the instructions carefully. If we look from the point of view of the danger of this hobby, then with good equipment, the presence of an instructor and the choice of the right throwing tool, all risks are minimized.

Protection and safety requirements for throwing include observing the following rules:

  • a level and dry area of approximately 7 by 3 meters is arranged;
  • the space around the target and to the sides of the thrower is limited;
  • instruction and counseling is provided;
  • special clothing and equipment is issued;
  • the age of the person throwing the throwing weapon is limited.

There is a minimum age requirement for axe throwing in most places, usually 18 years of age. However, it may vary, depending on the specific place and the requirements of the club or organization providing such classes. It is better to check this with the particular service provider before starting the class.

Although many people will find this activity new, it is actually hundreds of years old – the ancient Slavs used to throw an axe. This tool has always been in the house, used for household needs. But if it was necessary to go to the beast, he also often helped. Rent rides, stylized for the ancient era, is something that will make the historical event more picturesque. As entertainment, it is interesting and quite unusual.

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