Growing old is difficult for many. Often, it implies more pain and aches, reduced mobility, and increased difficulty in managing one’s own life. No wonder an increasing number of elderly persons are determined to remain independent and fail to understand when it’s time for assisted living.
According to a survey, 90% of elderly people wish to ‘age in place’, staying in their current homes for at least the next 5-10 years. Yet about two-thirds of these seniors require assistance in completing at least one task every day. It becomes excessively painful when your mind desires one thing and your body seems fixated on pushing you in a different direction. This is mainly why so many elderly residents require assisted living profusely.
Here are certain essential hacks and strategies that will enable you to convince your elderly loved ones as a caregiver to move to an assisted living facility for their well-being:
1. Lay the Groundwork
Having ‘the talk’ with your elderly loved ones can be emotional, scary, and difficult at the same time. Hence, don’t begin the conversation as if you’ve already decided on their behalf. It is crucial to plant the seeds well before the need arises. Narrate the stories about places like assisted living where there are like-minded individuals and that these facilities make life easier and more enjoyable.
Try to make them understand that instead of an independent living situation where they could be in danger, assisted living could be a cheerful option for them. They can be in comfort and safety. Additionally, their health issues will be taken care of.
2. Conduct Extensive Research
Make sure to take a tour of nearby assisted living facilities and offer your parents a tour as well, if they are willing. Do not push them. Try to make them understand that the myths of assisted living are just that. If they tend to resist when you approach the subject, let the idea go. Wait for another day when they are ready to discuss it.
3. Use Teachable Moments
A majority, 55%, of fall injuries among older people occur inside their homes, and an additional 23% occur outside but near the house. Has one of your elderly parents also narrowly avoided getting hurt? So, seize this moment to bring up the subject of assisted living.
Do your parents often tend to forget to take their vital pills or suffer from Alzheimer’s? Tell them how this situation of falling could have been avoided in an assisted living community, or they could stay healthy in a memory care facility. Giving them a gentle reality check may make them realize that assisted living is a wise choice for them.
4. Take Tours with Your Parents
Call nearby facilities and set up a tour with your parents. Let them enjoy a meal there, witness how everything is done, and let them enjoy the activities they love. This will enable you to find the most suitable assisted living facility for them. It may also help your parents comprehend the concept of assisted living. Get their input on every facility you take a tour of.
5. Let it Sink in
Give your loved one’s time to reflect on their present situation, ways their health may change in the upcoming years, and the information they’ve received on the tours. This is an incredibly serious decision that requires careful thought.
6. Change the Approach!
Remember, it’s not excessively easy for your parents to leave the home they’ve built. Give them time to think it through and consider it. Don’t make them feel they ‘have’ to go to the facility. Rather, give them a sense of control and the right to make the decision.
Remember, you can’t force them to move into an assisted living facility. Rather, give them time to realize that this is a wise option for them. Let them decide for themselves!