Marriage is in the constant process and needs love and trust from both sides and even the efforts of both partners. Every man is likely to ask from time to time, “How do I make my wife happy and contented in marriage?” This is a question worth answering and one which is unique in directing a positive movement in the formulation of a long lasting and extremely beneficial partnership. Parenthood is happiness in marriage and not an entertainment show that involves beautifulliness of expressions but terrible condoning behaviors. Here is how you can make your wife appreciate the worth of having you, feel loved, wanted and sexually satisfied in marriage.


  1. Communicate Openly and Actively

Namely, the good communication skills are there at the core of every good marriage. For your wife to be happy, learn to create a platform and encourage your wife to speak out her ideas, feelings or worries.


  • Listen actively: Never interrupt her when she is speaking, let her speak to the end and give her your full attention. Don’t engage in distractions such as answering phone calls or switching channels on television.
  • Express yourself honestly: Physical affection indicates that you are safe to start communicating your feelings and thoughts.
  • Ask meaningful questions: Ask her about her day, the things that she wants to accomplish or have as aspirations.

Couples should be ready to overcome all the hurdles that come their way as good communication promotes emotional bonding.


  1. Show Appreciation Daily

Saying thank you to your wife in small ways is some of the things that can make your wife happy. Show her gratitude for all she has done and for existing in your life.


  • Compliment her genuinely.
  • Give her credit for tasks done; it might be big or it might be small.
  • Get her flowers or some candy and to her surprise, write her a love letter or plan for a date night.

Showing her that you value her simply means that there is no way you will take her for granted.


  1. Prioritize Emotional Intimacy

Closeness in feelings is what keeps a marriage together. It may also mean that your wife needs to feel desired to feel wanted or be in a loving relationship with you.


  • He should or should not Be supportive during difficult times.
  • Express your weakness and make her do the same.
  • Establish credibility by following what one says and the kind of words used.

Close emotional connection creates a feeling of safety and guarantees an increased closeness in your relationship.


  1. Keep the Romance Alive

Not infrequently, in today’s world people do not find the time to be romantic and that’s why it’s crucial to keep that part of the relationship alive in order to remain happily married.


  • Be proactive in setting time for couples; plan for at least once a week date.
  • You could take her flowers, write her sweet messages, or make her breakfast in bed just to name a few.
  • Do not forget about celebrations of certain periods as you or your partner might need to be reminded of the chosen path.

These are little things that we can do to ensure that she knows you are still in love with her or that she still has the same feeling for you.


  1. Support Her Personal Growth

A happy wife is one who stated that a man should support her dreams and help her achieve them. Let her follow her heart and figures out her hobbies.


  • And what are her goals, and how can I help her work towards achieving these goals.
  • Support her career or interests by being her number one fan.
  • Encourage her to do more on her own by taking a fair share of the house hold chores.

In that way, you are encouraging her to become a better person and you assure her you care about her personality and health.


  1. Nurture Physical Affection

Touch is very important in influencing happiness in marriage. It is not only a story of physical closeness but a story of expressing affection physically.


  • Give her many hugs and make sure to continuously hold her hand.
  • Kiss her a kiss of goodbye or a kiss of hello or you could just do it to say hi.
  • Take good care of her feel and her needs during those sensual moments.

Physical touch, especially when it is frequently practiced, helps top of defeat the purpose physical emotions.


  1. Resolve Conflicts Gracefully

Of course, every couple experiences some form of conflict, but the way you manage those disagreements will determine your wife’s level of happiness.


  • It’s important never to approach arguments in a responding manner but rather, calmly and politely.
  • Instead of bring up personal issues, one should concentrate on the problem at hand.
  • Always agree to solve the problem as a team and no one has to lose or surrender.

Constructive conflict resolution proves to her that you are willing to go the extra mile and make the relationship solid in the strongest and worst of you scouting for flaws in a marriage then getting disillusioned when you find them is like searching for a hole in one’s robe then getting disappointed when you actually find it.


  1. Invest in Shared Experiences

Memorable moments are a strong foundation of happiness in the couple’s life and unite two people. Make time to enjoy life together:


  • Schedule your vacations or weekend resolves.
  • Find or take up interests that both of you shall like.
  • It is recommended that a couple should change their activities as they can become boring after sometime.

They help deepen the connection between the two of you, and occasionally, bring back what she originally saw in you.


  1. Somebody together with her, not just her husband

It would be wrong to speak of marriage as a one-sided endeavor, marriage is a partnership. You should be her partner in everything she goes through in her life.


  • Both correcting he or she must take turns in doing duties within the house.
  • Forget about being right, be present for her during significant occasions.
  • Be with her when she has made decisions and support her.

Evidently, being a reliable and equal partner can assist her experience secure sexual valuation within the partnership.



When a man wonders how to keep my wife happy and satisfied in a marriage, the only answer can be love, time, and work. Therefore, understanding each other, appreciation, mutual closeness, respect for her personal development will help to build the kind of relationship in which happiness will reign.


Just be aware that a contented woman serves the relationship well and makes your marriage more sustainable, to the benefit of both partners. If only she will give her utmost effort on giving importance to the relationship with you and genuinely deserved for her own happiness; then definitely, you can create lasting partnership.

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