Maritime pilots are essential to the safe and efficient operation of the worlds ports. These highly trained maritime professionals are intrinsic to global trade by guiding ships safely in and out of port.


Securing a pilot ladder is an essential component of ensuring a compliant and more importantly safe means of access and egress to the vessel for the pilot.


Ensuring pilot ladder safety needn’t be difficult and takes a little understanding of the regulations and a little competent seamanship.


When securing the pilot ladder there are two common arrangements, one where the climb is less than 9m which uses only a pilot ladder or a combination arrangement that is required when the climb exceeds 9m.


Pilot Ladder Securing


When using just a pilot ladder the securing arrangement is relatively straightforward. If the ladder is being at it’s full extent it’s simply a matter of shackling the thimbles at the top of the ladder to the certified deck strong points (48kN). However it is more likely the ladder is being secured at an intermediate length. To comply with IMO regulations the pilot ladder needs securing to the designated deck strong points with ropes that are at least as strong as the side ropes of the pilot ladder, again that’s a breaking strain or 48kN. These ropes should be made fast to the pilot ladder side ropes between steps by means of a rolling hitch such that the weight of the ladder is borne by the side ropes. The hitch should not be tight against the step wedges as this can damage these vital components which are not designed to be load bearing.


Combination Arrangement


When the pilot would need to climb more than 9m with a pilot ladder alone a combination rig is required. As well as securing the pilot ladder to the deck as detailed above we also need to secure the ladder to the ships side 1.5m above the accommodation ladders lower platform. The accommodation also needs it’s own independent lashing in the vicinity of the lower platform. This holds the ladders tightly against the ships side at this point and allows for a safer transfer between pilot ladder and accommodation ladder. It is also important that the ladder element of the pilot ladder extends at least 2m above the lower platform to allow the pilot to make a safe transfer between the two.


Ladders on winches


When the pilot ladder is deployed from a winch it is essential that the winch is also secured by means of a locking pin, turnbuckle or similar securing mechanism and that the controls for the winch are secured so that the reel cannot be inadvertently operated. The ladder needs to be secured to the deck strong points IN ADDITION to this securing!

Side access doors


When the ladder is deployed from withing a side access opening the ladder must be secured to the deck in the manner described for a deck deployed ladder with ropes of equal strength if used at an intermediate length or by shackles to the thimbles at the top of the ladder if it is being used at it’s full extent.


If the ladder is being deployed from the maindeck the ladder shall be secured to deck as previously described. If the ladder is deployed by means of a winch this must be secured as previously described.


Pilot Ladder Safety


By following these simple pilot ladder securing guidelines you will ensure a safe means of pilot transfer that will ensure your pilotage gets off to a happy start.

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