The whole world is trying to cope up with the aftermaths of the Covid-19 pandemic. People lost their lives, and some lost their jobs. This is kind of a tough time for everyone. Thus there is no correct way to cope up with it. Mourn, however, the way you want about your loss and then get back on your feet.

 The inauguration of my business was in early 2020 and then Covid happened and I lost everything. It was difficult to keep all the employees so I had to let go of some of them while many others left on their own. Long story short I have opened the business again this summer and had to hire many new employees. Beyond my expectation, most of them are mothers and even some single fathers. It did not take much time to realize that things will be different while working with the parental community. They had their domestic problems going along as well while I was more focused on my business as I did not want to close it for the second time. Because if that happens that would be the end of my business carrier.

Anyway, During the whole lockdown period, I have been working on different plans and thinking about innovative ideas and learned about modern tools and technology. I thought I am fully prepared for whatever happens in the future but this variable was beyond my expectation. So one by one the problems started arising like early leave or unannounced holidays. I was near to explosion when one of my partners had a very good idea. It was about having a workshop for all the employees where we tell them about the parental control apps. We already are a user of TheOneSpy employee monitoring apps so I thought why not maybe this is the breakthrough we are missing. So we decided to go with the plan.

  • We had to explain everything in detail so I thought of sharing it with you all in here for all the parents and employees who are struggling in their domestic life or work life.
  • A parental control app like the TheOneSpy is a cloud-based app that offers a very friendly user interface and can be used to keep an eye on your minor.
  • You can simply install the app on the android device of your teen when it is not password encrypted. Physical access is needed at the time of installation. After that, you have complete remote control over the device and your child wherever you are.
  • Most of the parents were worried about their teenagers school timings, classes, online activities, sleeping schedule, company, and more. The purpose of this whole plan was to get the trust of the employees on these apps so that they become worry-free about the household chores and focus on the work.
  • Features offered by TheOneSpy for social media monitoring were our main focus. You can keep an eye on every social media activity of your teen with timestamp information. Facebook spy app, Instagram spy app Whatsapp spy app, spy on snapchat, Tinder spy app, are just some of the main features.
  • Parents usually show concern about the safety and wellbeing of the child. Mrs. Loren is seen always on phone to check if his son is back home or not. The GPS location tracking feature lets the user know about the real-time location of the target at any given time. You can know about the whereabouts of your teen remotely without texting or calling them again and again. The night staff liked this feature as some of them leave teenagers alone at home at night and it was the best way to make sure they stay at a home.
  • You can make a direct surprise visit to the screen of the target by using the real-time screen recording feature. Keep a check on the screen timing and activities of the teenagers and know about the online interest.

Just like we thought the use of spy apps is not a very common idea in our community. Employees had no idea that things like the best parental control app for android the TheOneSpy exists and is in their access as well. So the great response proved that it was a great idea.

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