With the growing popularity of complementary therapy and alternative medicine, more and more people are practicing yoga. Although many engage in yoga as a form of exercise, its origins teaches how to attain balance in all aspects of life, most especially concerning diet, exercise, breathing, relaxation, and positive thinking and meditation. Two of the most common questions asked of yoga are: “Does yoga enhance sex?” and “How yoga enhances sex”.
Healthier men and women can engage in more fulfilling sex if they are well. Multiple studies have demonstrated that individuals who are more physically active experience a more satisfying sex life. Do sexy yoga poses count as exercise? Here are three of the available evidence to prove that you can use yoga to increase sexuality whether you are a woman or a man:
•A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2010 demonstrated how 40 sexually active females experienced improved sexual satisfaction by practicing yoga for better sex. The study subjects were taught 22 yoga poses that are believed to positively influence sexuality by stimulating the abdominal and pelvic muscles, as well as by enhancing good mood, and improving joint health and digestion. 75 per cent of the study subjects claimed that they experienced more satisfying sex after training for yoga. This study establishes how to improve female sexual health by practicing yoga.
•Another study also published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2010 showed that male sexual functioning responded well to the practice of yoga. The study involved 65 sexually active males who reported marked improvements in all parameters used by the researchers to gauge enhanced sexual function. Some of the parameters are desire, satisfaction, erection, orgasm, and ejaculatory control.
•A study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy in 2009 reviewed available empirical as well as anecdotal data available at the time to determine how yoga is related to erectile dysfunction (ED). According to researchers, evidence was available linking yoga with the relief of stress and high blood pressure. The study also pointed out how yoga helped improve weight management. All of these factors have been found to be three of the determinants of ED. Improving these conditions, therefore, also improved ED, and yoga enhances sex.
Yoga poses for men and women are available. Don’t worry if you can’t perform these poses absolutely 100 per cent, most especially if you’ve never practiced yoga before because all of these can be modified to suit a beginner. Learn yoga for improving sex by starting with these 5 poses:
1. Downward Facing Dog. Go down on the floor. Place both palms against the floor. Do the same for both feet. Make sure your palms and feet are laid out flat against the floor as you bring your back up. To ensure you are performing the pose with the proper posture, your upper body and lower body should form a “V”. If you are a beginner, you can make the slope less steep.
2. Forward Plank Pose. This will have to be one of the easiest yoga sex positions to imitate, although it will have to count as one of the most difficult ones to hold. Start by going face down on the floor. You can either stretch out your arms so that your elbows are straightened or, place your elbows and lower arms to be perpendicular against the floor. Support the lower part of your body with only your toes, each pressed against the floor.
3. Cat-Cow Pose. You will find that once you get well accustomed to the cat-cow pose you can easily adapt it for a yoga sex position level up your next ‘sexercise’ session with your partner. Start by kneeling on the floor. Place your legs slightly apart with the back of both feet laid flat against the floor. Lean forward so that you are down on all fours. Place your palms against the floor, arms and elbows straight. Bring your head up so that you are facing the ceiling. As you look up, bend your hips so that your lower back forms a deep “U” shape. Hold the pose for at lease a minute.
Then, without moving your legs and arms, bring down your head to face so that you are staring directly at your thighs. As you bring your head inward, bend your hips up so that you form a hunchback. Hold the pose for a minute. Keep alternating between the poses.
4. Bridge Pose. This is the yoga version of kegel exercises. It tightens the muscles of your vagina and pelvis. This can be considered as one of the sexual yoga poses that you can try as a sex position. To do this pose, start by lying on the floor with your knees bent, legs slightly apart. Place your arms and palms flat against the floor. Relax your head, nape and shoulders against the floor. Hold your legs and arms this way even as you raise your back and thighs in such a way that a straight incline forms from your shoulders to your knees. Hold the pose for several minutes before bringing down. Repeat for several minutes.
5. Shoulder Stand. This pose firms up muscles on your shoulders, neck and nape, and also stretches and strengthens your hips and lower back. For beginners, do this pose next to a wall. Raise your legs, thighs all the way to your shoulder blades, up. Lay your arms across. For advanced yoga practitioners. Do the same without the wall to support your body. Bring both palms and arms to rest on your lower back to support it as you raise your body.
CONCLUSION: While a Virectin review can help you decide on whether or not a male enhancement supplement may bring positive improvements to your and to your partner’s sex life, yoga teaches you how to be more sexual. By striking a balance in your life, the sexual benefits that you can derive from yoga will no longer be confined to instant, one-off sexual satisfaction. Yoga enhances sex but, with continued practice, your sexual health, not only your performance during a sexual act, is improved now and in the years to come.
About Me! I’m a post-graduate in English literature and health researcher. I have over a decade of experience in researching and writing as a profession and as a passion. I am a health blogger who loves to write articles for health-related topics in power of self-motivation. A person, according to me, is perceived by others in the same way a person perceives himself or herself. I enjoy in writing the feedbacks regarding various health related products.