Philanthropy is a good way to give back to society, a belief ingrained in Jaaikaran Chanana. He is a youth icon whose charity in relief camps has brightened the future of many children. He is a youth icon whose charity in relief camps has brightened the future of many children. He has initiated several charitable initiatives aimed at boosting children’s education in relief camps. The” # Play for Ukraine” campaign is his most successful initiative to date, with the sole aim of bringing smiles back on war-affected children through sports and education.
About Jaaikaran.
Jaaikaran Chanana’s humanitarian nature and kind heart drew him to the plight of children in the Refugee camps around Ukraine. It is unique for someone so young to feel the pain and act as a change-maker. The “# Play for Ukraine” campaign’s sole aim is to provide relief and education to children in refugee camps. This has drawn the world’s attention to his charitable works, creating a platform for children to express themselves, removing social, ethnic and cultural barriers. This approach makes him unique among others of his generation. Today, his work has garnered support from several international organisations like The UN and Voice for charity.
His education initiatives:
Jaaikaran Chanana’s staunch belief in education as vital for every child’s well-being and development is the driving force behind his educational initiatives. These initiatives act as a beacon of hope for the war-affected children residing in relief camps. This unique approach taken by Jaaikaran is a source of inspiration for the youth, bringing back smiles to children’s faces and giving them a secure future. With education as the focal point, # Play for ukraine” has engaged the services of the local NGO’s and UN agencies like UNICEF Romania to provide educational materials in the relief camps. These efforts play a crucial role in supporting the children’s overall learning and development through educational material distribution. With the active support of Local NGO, the reach of education has extended to all the relief camps around Ukraine. Children are receiving regular education through online and invidivdual teaching methods. The charity goes beyond education by providing scholarships to children in the camps. A unique aspect of Jaaikaran chanana’s charity is that education is imparted in the local language, setting it apart from many other charities. This approach has earned him many accolades and brought more support. Today, more organisations are eager to support him in his philanthropic endeavour.