Laura Marie Holtzmann embodies a unique blend of American TV charm and deep-rooted faith, a legacy she inherited from her mother, renowned preacher and author Joyce Meyer. Born on April 5, 1968, in St. Louis, Missouri, Laura’s life has been steeped in the values of compassion, service, and unwavering faith. As the daughter of Joyce and Dave Meyer, Laura’s journey has been shaped by her family’s dedication to spreading Christian teachings and aiding those in need through Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Early Life and Family Background

Laura’s upbringing in a deeply religious household played a pivotal role in molding her into the empathetic and driven individual she is today. Her parents, Joyce and Dave Meyer, were instrumental in instilling the principles of love, hope, and service in their children. Joyce Meyer, a prominent figure in the Charismatic Christian community, and Dave Meyer, a dedicated veteran and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries, provided a nurturing environment that emphasized the importance of faith and philanthropy.

Laura’s early exposure to her mother’s ministry sparked a fervent desire to enact positive change. Raised alongside her siblings—Sandra Ellen McCollom, David Meyer, and Daniel Meyer—Laura experienced firsthand the significance of disseminating love and hope in every facet of life. Her family’s unwavering commitment to their faith and ministry profoundly influenced Laura’s perspective on life and her dedication to helping others.

Marriage and Family Life

In the summer of 1985, Laura’s life took a significant turn when she embarked on a blind date that would lead to her lifelong partnership with Douglas Holtzmann Sr. Their union, formalized in 1987, blossomed into a beautiful marriage characterized by love, faith, and teamwork. Together, Laura and Douglas have nurtured a loving family, raising four children: Doug (DJ) Holtzmann II, Austin Taylor, Abigail (Holtzmann) Welch, and Emily (Holtzmann) Wood.

Despite her public persona, Laura values her privacy deeply. She cherishes the quiet moments shared with her family, who serve as her steadfast support system. Her marriage to Douglas and their close-knit family life reflect the importance of prioritizing family bonds and upholding one’s beliefs, a testament to Laura’s commitment to her personal values and faith.

Contributions to Joyce Meyer Ministries

Within Joyce Meyer Ministries, Laura’s impact is profound and far-reaching. She plays a crucial role behind the scenes, using her organizational skills and compassionate heart to fuel the ministry’s efforts. One of her most notable contributions is through the “Hands of Hope” outreach program, which extends a lifeline to those facing adversity around the world. This initiative offers tangible assistance and comfort to individuals in crisis, embodying Laura’s core values of empathy and support.

Laura’s involvement in “Hands of Hope” highlights her dedication to making a positive difference. The program’s extensive reach, providing aid to regions affected by crises in Asia, Africa, and beyond, underscores her commitment to global philanthropy. Her selfless efforts ensure that hope and assistance reach even the farthest corners of the globe, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps and contribute to the betterment of society.

A Legacy of Compassion and Service

Although Laura may not actively seek the spotlight like her mother, her contributions are no less significant. She embodies the legacy of faith, compassion, and resilience passed down by her parents. Laura’s actions, whether through her direct involvement in charitable initiatives or her quiet support of her family’s endeavors, serve as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and service.

Laura’s upbringing in a household grounded in Christian teachings profoundly influenced her. The principles of compassion, forgiveness, and perseverance were not merely theoretical ideas but core values that shaped her perspective on life. While her mother’s ministry played a significant role in introducing her to these beliefs, Laura’s journey of faith evolved into a deeply personal one as she grew older.

Influence of Faith and Philanthropy

Laura’s commitment to her faith and philanthropic efforts extends beyond her work with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Her life is a reflection of the enduring principles of Christian compassion and service. By prioritizing acts of kindness and support, Laura exemplifies the transformative potential of faith-driven philanthropy. Her dedication to improving the world, one act of kindness at a time, serves as an inspiration to many.

Personal and Professional Life

Despite her involvement in her mother’s ministry, Laura values her privacy and leads a quieter, family-focused life away from the public eye. She finds fulfillment in her role as a mother, wife, and active participant in charitable activities. Laura’s dedication to her family and her work within Joyce Meyer Ministries highlights the balance she maintains between her personal and professional life.

Her contributions to the “Hands of Hope” program, along with her organizational prowess, ensure the smooth functioning of the ministry’s efforts. Laura’s behind-the-scenes work guarantees that hope and assistance reach those in need, reinforcing her legacy of compassion and service.


Laura Marie Holtzmann’s life is a testament to the power of faith, compassion, and dedication. Raised in a household that emphasized the importance of spreading love and hope, Laura has continued her family’s legacy through her involvement in Joyce Meyer Ministries and her philanthropic efforts. Her commitment to making a positive difference, whether through the “Hands of Hope” outreach program or her quiet support of her family’s endeavors, serves as an inspiration to many. Laura’s story is not just about her family’s legacy but about the enduring impact of faith-driven compassion and service on the world.

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