We often relate happiness and prosperity to a successful career or financial stability. However, every aspect of your life matters to be truly aligned, such as wealth and your physical and mental health. John Lohrenz, the Wall Street veteran, speaker, and author, is here to share what he has learned about the true meaning of happiness. Over the years, he has interacted with 1000s of families in his 25-plus years of professional career, enabling him to understand the link between happiness and money.
In his best-selling book “The Prosperity Project: Building Abundance And A Map For A Life Well Lived,” he guides people to build their unique formulae of finding happiness, purpose, and prosperity. John has shared a pyramid of prosperity in his book, which includes six factors: health, wealth, relationship, adventure, growth, and legacy.
If you want to be happy and content in your life, the well-being of both your mind and body play a huge role. Health is the first and foremost factor; without it, you have nothing. After health, the next most important thing is financial stability and sound relationships. After years of experience as a wealth manager, John has figured out that you need to be more relaxed about money to be happy at your core. Moreover, your relationship with people around you must be in order and help you grow. He believes everyone should be mindful enough to create healthy boundaries and eliminate toxic relationships. John refers to these three factors as ‘The Big Three,’ or you can call them the fundamental requirements for a happy and fulfilling life.
Once you successfully create the right balance of health, wealth, and relationships, you move on to growth, adventure, and legacies. John explains that when people surpass these three stages of prosperity, they are motivated to follow their passions and put effort into achieving their life goals. They like making memories, going on adventures, and spending quality time with their loved ones.
And lastly, he believes that how people remember you show the life you have lived. True happiness and prosperity are when you are willing to be kind and generous with the people around you. And if your existence has benefitted even a soul – that makes all the difference.
John’s book can be life-changing and bring clarity to those confused and seeking guidance. Click here to learn more about his take on life and true prosperity.